Describe The Indescribable

Katatonia makes me feel good and their music is always uplifting. It depends from which album but when I used to feel anger and rage I listened a lot to their old style albums, but I also listen to death metal and similar to release tensions...Discouraged Ones is perfect for melancholic feelings, while the others rock more, so they give me energy and make me feel happy...
i usually listen to katatonia when im feeling like shit and i read the lyrics everytime, there the only band were i read the lyrics along with the album EVERYTIME LOL , there very depressing but uplifting at the same time, amazing i can;t wait to buy tgcd!
I love listening to music based on the mood I'm in. If i'm pissed off, i'll throw on some sliptknot or ill nino. If i'm feeling energetic i'll throw on some in flames or soilwork. If i'm feeling relaxed maybe some trance or enya. But if i'm feeling depressed, lonely, heartbroken, or just plain sad, Katatonia is my first stop.
This band lets me dwell in the darkest part of my soul in a way almost nothing else lets me. It doesn't bring me out of my depression, but it almost sort of lets me enjoy it.
I could probably describe Katatonia music as a soundtrack to my life. For many years it stays with me whatever I do and wherever I go. It helps me survive through hard times, supports me when I’m bored and just plays for me with all its grace when I’m fine. It’s like an old wise friend, whom you can go to in any mood, and he always knows how to make you feel better. I listen to a lot of music of many bands, but Katatonia is the only one I feel so close to me all the time. Too pathetic words, probably, especially for me, but I really tried to describe indescribable…