Definition of CoB's style?

Argh not again... :yell:

All I can say is, CoB are anything but Melodic Death. They could have been labelled as such on their old stuff... but now? There's like 5 melodies on the entire cd ppl... I hate when ppl label music by the vocals; I can see no other reason ppl would say 'melodic death'. The music is what matters! Plus, one genre just doesn't do justice to CoB.

I'll say what I said before: bodometal... hehehe. Or progressive thrash (kind of a paradox but it fits better than any other 2 words).
Just Melodic Death Metal I guess, although I think of Melodic Death Metal as bands like In Flames and Arch Enemy. COB have a lot of melody, but their music seems mofre "crazy" or much faster less caring fun sorta... while In Flames and ARch Enemy are more serious.
I'm aware this has probably been discussed loads, so sorry for that.

I understand that some people don't like to label bands to a certain genre or style, and I know what you mean.

Let's just leave it at this - they are their own style...BODOMETAL!

Dodens Grav said:
Based on the lyrics, Children of Bodom is definitely Death Metal, as well as the vocals. The music is heavily melodic. Therefore I call them Melodic Death Metal.

Do COB sound like Carcass or Dark Tranquillity? Not at all.
Carcass and Dark Tranquillity are Melodic Death Metal.

CoB vocals are BLACK METAL, it's screaming, not sounds like Marduk more than Dark Tranquillity.

As for the lyrics....cob death metal? :lol: :lol: :lol:
CoB never spoke bout reeks of putrefaction (quote), corpses eaten by the maggots stuck in their oesophagus (quote) or hepathic tissue fermentation (quote again) :p

Btw Carcass roolz :headbang:
Alexi sings in a high-pitched death metal growl. I don't know why nobody realizes this but if youv'e tried to imitate his voice and succeeded you'd probably know. His style is simialar to black metal but there's a big difference: black metal is the -wrong- way to growl, it wrecks your voice in a few years usually... Alexi is smart and does it the right way, the harder but safer way. If Alexi is careful he should be able to sing for a decade or two.

The death metal influences are few and far between on the latest cd, it's hardcore thrash all the way, plus the usual bodometal. It is rather melodic tho, for having so few actual melodies (compared to FtR at least).

edit: Crash course in growling: you can make a growl with your mouth/diaprhagm and train until you have range (high and low) or you can cheat and force the sound out with your stomach muscles. In Flames singer does it the wrong way (stomach), Kalmah's singer does it the wrong way too, even worse than IF's. Norther's singer does it the right way but also pushes really hard with his stomach anyways so who knows how long he'll last, Skyfire's singer is the same way (pushes with his stomach and growls with his mouth)... Alexi doesn't push with his stomach very often, he uses his mouth and throat almost entirely... hopefully you all understand now, trust me on this, I've had a fair bit of experience and advice from professionals.
Stun, what up sucka?

I'd say ultimate melodic thrash
But for the millionth time this shit's been discussed, we will not arrive at a concensus. There are no right answers (though, there are some more retarded than others...)

I would say the hell with this thread
however, people will still post, especially newcomers, but they have the right to express themselves about this matter..
I haven't posted here in a while but I'd like to give my two cents on this subject. I once read an interview with Alexi and the guy who interviewed him called COB neo-classical blackened thrash metal. I think if you look at the stuff before HCDR then that classification fits well.
child_of_bodom666 said:
Sephi: where the fuck you see power metal in COB? :p

I see more Power Metal in Children of Bodom than Melodic Death Metal. Alexi's vocal style is more of a Black Metal tone with the growling/screaming, but if you listen to the keyboards (not synthesizers), it sounds closer to Power Metal.

Also, if you read their bios, they have "What's your favourite Stratovarius song?" Does that clue you in?

I say they're just Heavy Metal.
DeadWinterDead said:
Alexi's vocal style is more of a Black Metal tone with the growling/screaming

Maybe some black metal growlers do it Alexi's way, but all the ones I've ever heard do it the wrong way. Alexi does it the fucking hard way that takes years and years to do... anyone, I mean -anyone- can do a black metal voice with a week or two of practice (it won't last long tho).

MagSec4 said:
Stun, what up sucka?

Not much man. Looking for a job and a band, making music in the mean time. I don't frequent the boards much anymore cause there isn't anything interesting it seems.

Chokehold said:


Hahaha I said that a looong time ago. I don't know if you were around then tho.