Deftones - Koi No Yokan

"Irrelevant" doesn't have their last 4 albums chart in the top 10. "Irrelevant" is the person who doesn't pay attention to what is happening in popular music but somehow has an opinion on it.

How does sand taste, by the way?
Meh. The Deftones had a couple of interesting songs on "Around the Fur", but as a whole, they do absolutely nothing for me. Chino's singing voice in particular grates on me. And this coming from somebody who likes a lot of 90s rock and metal music.
Deftones are an amazing band, and having been getting better as the years go by. This new album is amazing, I'd go as far as to say it is their best album
Unfortunately I have.....
I don't know how YOU could lump OASIS into 90s alternative.
Their sound is a lot more "Classic" than that. They could have come out in the 60s, 70s, or 80s, and released the SAME material.

I don't care what you define the DEFTONES as (and yes, I have heard them, and even seen them live once).
There is absolutely nothing "metal" about them.

Metal is definitely one part of their sounds, they are a very eclectic band with a number of influences. You would have to be deaf not to hear metal in their music, particularly their earlier material.
"Irrelevant" doesn't have their last 4 albums chart in the top 10. "Irrelevant" is the person who doesn't pay attention to what is happening in popular music but somehow has an opinion on it.

How does sand taste, by the way?

Wouldn't know. You didn't leave much left for any other board members. :D
Here's my take...I don't care for the Deftones...never have to be honest. Their style just never has appealed to me. I like to lump bands into categories, so I would not consider them metal, but alternative hard rock. They're by no means as "light weight" as an Oasis, Gin Blossoms, or Wallflowers. I would lump them into the same category as a Bush, Chevelle, or Filter.

As far as alternative metal is concerned, Tool comes to mind or even White Zombie.

They're by no means as "light weight" as an Oasis, Gin Blossoms, or Wallflowers. I would lump them into the same category as a Bush, Chevelle, or Filter.

They are a "harder edge" alternative band.
(IE - meaning one of the many bands which could have been marketed to Ozzfest OR Warped, depending on which way the wind was blowing that day)

If you have to hunt and peck a song to say, "Hey, look, track 3 on album #1 and #2 is like totally metal" then they probably are NOT a metal band.

Seriously. I will never understand why people can't just admit they like NON-metal stuff...........

@ Aeonic - I have to be honest, I don't pay too much attention to how bands such as this are defined in the corporate media outlets. If you say SPIN or ROLLING STONE considers them metal because of touring with MASTODON, then so be it. Glen didn't move it to the Lounge, so I take it that some do consider them in the metal genre. Just my opinion, but there is no way they should even have the words heavy metal uttered in the same sentence. Same as I feel about A7X or Coheed and Cambria. You can't throw in a guitar solo to an otherwise emo, screamo, hardcore, alternacrap, etc song just so it can be marketed as metal . Well, I take that back. Yes you can and it will score you the cover of ALTERNATIVE PRESS usually. LOL.
"Irrelevant" doesn't have their last 4 albums chart in the top 10. "Irrelevant" is the person who doesn't pay attention to what is happening in popular music but somehow has an opinion on it.

How does sand taste, by the way?

You really would need to clarify your definition of "relevant"
When it comes to music, an album in the top 10 does not qualify it as being "relevant". It usually means that said album had a lot more $$$$$ spent on it in terms of promotion and marketing.
@ Aeonic - I have to be honest, I don't pay too much attention to how bands such as this are defined in the corporate media outlets. If you say SPIN or ROLLING STONE considers them metal because of touring with MASTODON, then so be it. Glen didn't move it to the Lounge, so I take it that some do consider them in the metal genre. Just my opinion, but there is no way they should even have the words heavy metal uttered in the same sentence. Same as I feel about A7X or Coheed and Cambria. You can't throw in a guitar solo to an otherwise emo, screamo, hardcore, alternacrap, etc song just so it can be marketed as metal . Well, I take that back. Yes you can and it will score you the cover of ALTERNATIVE PRESS usually. LOL.

You really would need to clarify your definition of "relevant"
When it comes to music, an album in the top 10 does not qualify it as being "relevant". It usually means that said album had a lot more $$$$$ spent on it in terms of promotion and marketing.

The comments you are responding to weren't addressed to you, so I'm not sure why you're responding to them as if they were. dcowboys called the band irrelevant, actually he said they were definitively irrelevant. Therefore, the burden of definition is not on anyone else but him. Of course we're all entitled to say what we want, but that makes me just as entitled to call incorrect facts incorrect.

If something is popular, it is relevant by default, regardless of personal taste, etc. And ironically, a band like Deftones or even a band like Chevelle that isn't doing anything anymore is more relevant than our favorite underground acts. They are in more people's hands, and on the minds of more people, and thus are considered important by more people. You don't get to decide that just because you think Novembers Doom is better than Nickelback. Millions of people disagree with you (which even more ironically, was a point dcowboys made in another thread).
No offense but what's with all this internet metal elitism superiority going on here lately? I never said I liked them, nor was I even the first person to bring them up in this thread. If I did like them though, it's just music, christ. lol
A good friend of mine's husband was in the original Chevelle lineup actually.....

Though since when can someone only comment on something aimed directly at them?

I guess I don't care about how relevant something is to the mainstream, and I would never use that as a basis to defend a band I liked.
No offense but what's with all this internet metal elitism superiority going on here lately? I never said I liked them, nor was I even the first person to bring them up in this thread. If I did like them though, it's just music, christ. lol

I agree it's just music....but seriously?????

I love the latest Smashing Pumpkins disc.
Billy Corgan plays power chords on a Fender stratocaster.
That does not mean I can justify discussing the album on a metal forum.

Get it?
No offense but what's with all this internet metal elitism superiority going on here lately? I never said I liked them, nor was I even the first person to bring them up in this thread. If I did like them though, it's just music, christ. lol

I didn't realize someone else brought up Chevelle, otherwise I would have said the same thing to that person. I saw Chevelle live once. I wish I didn't, and it's not because of metal elitism (in fact, this morning my playlist has included The Reticent, Rihanna and Spyro Gyra, so there), but simply a matter of liking good music versus awful music. :) :lol:

Plus. you know I like picking on you.
I agree it's just music....but seriously?????

I love the latest Smashing Pumpkins disc.
Billy Corgan plays power chords on a Fender stratocaster.
That does not mean I can justify discussing the album on a metal forum.

Get it?

AS is DEFINITIVELY the last person on this board who should scold anyone for responding to anything not directed at that person.

And there's nothing wrong with elitism. Having standards or taste is nothing to be ashamed of. Accepting or tolerating shit should bring no pride to anyone.
I didn't realize someone else brought up Chevelle, otherwise I would have said the same thing to that person. I saw Chevelle live once. I wish I didn't, and it's not because of metal elitism (in fact, this morning my playlist has included The Reticent, Rihanna and Spyro Gyra, so there), but simply a matter of liking good music versus awful music. :) :lol:

Plus. you know I like picking on you.

I was the one that brought up Chevelle, simply stating that I'd tend to lump the Deftones in the same type of music as them.

By the way, everyone on here knows I have exquisite taste in music! :D
