Deftones, Where Should I Start?


May 29, 2011
I saw the Deftones open for System Of A Down last night and I was impressed! I don't own any of their cd's and I know we have some fans on this board. Where should I start?

Thanks in advance!
If you want to check out the Deftones maybe you do need help, but if we must -
Start with White Pony. Everything before that kind of sucks and anything after that is OK. The self titled one is pretty good.
white pony is ok,they are a pretty serious band,digital bath is a standout track but for me the vocals are fucking terrible,he shouldnt be singing,he should stick to screaming
You all are crazy!

Fuck White Pony.. that is when they went more mellow and tried to put out more 'serious' radio music. It's a good written album but I was a huge Deftones fan before they ever even put out Adrenaline. White Pony is the "Black Album" of the Deftones career.

The best Deftones CD's are easily Adrenaline and Around the Fur.

Adrenaline is one of the best CD's I have ever heard.

START WITH ADRENALINE.. that is when Deftones were heavy, aggresive, and not so experimental.
I picked up White Pony and found a used copy of Adrenaline. I liked them both! Thanks for the help everyone!