Deicide cover

christkiller said:
terrible man your vocals are weak like your singing through some distortion, benton uses his real voice. where was the solo? good try tho :headbang:

That is my real voice idiot. And vocals sound a bit weak for 2 reasons. 1-I used a shitty mic, and 2 - Benton doubles up all his growling tracks so it sounds thicker, which i think is lame. I used 1 track of growling. I'd like to see who has the more powerful growl between he and I, but i already know the answer. And the day you can do better, let me know, otherwise lick my balls.
very nice, i enjoyed sounded a lot like the original to me. Your vocals are not weak , they sound quite good and I would like to see christkiller do it better.c also liked your song chapel of damnation...good shit
Eternal_Frost said:
very nice, i enjoyed sounded a lot like the original to me. Your vocals are not weak , they sound quite good and I would like to see christkiller do it better.c also liked your song chapel of damnation...good shit

Thanks man. Good to know someone enjoyed it.
i think its pretty good, my death metal band called The Sickening does a cover of They are the children of the underworld wich we do pretty damn good, we will do a cover of it on our next cd.
bloodpool said:
That is my real voice idiot. And vocals sound a bit weak for 2 reasons. 1-I used a shitty mic, and 2 - Benton doubles up all his growling tracks so it sounds thicker, which i think is lame. I used 1 track of growling. I'd like to see who has the more powerful growl between he and I, but i already know the answer. And the day you can do better, let me know, otherwise lick my balls.

you can't fool me, i have a deathmetal band playuing shows and we cover that song and a bunch from legion i know when i here some shitty vocalist trying to add some time don't try to fake it........
christkiller said:
you can't fool me, i have a deathmetal band playuing shows and we cover that song and a bunch from legion i know when i here some shitty vocalist trying to add some time don't try to fake it........

get killed
sigh...... christkiller your a fucking retard. one question , are you even a musician? just listen to the song and you can clearly hear that its actually bloodpools vocals , no distortion or fuzz. if you need to hear a band that uses dist. on their vocals , listen to Dominion III then you'll understand. btw i would like to see you do a better job.
very good cover, im not that great a fan of deicide but that is my favorite song from them. the solo sounds better the way it was done by you than how they did it. it actually fits the song now.
Iced In Flames said:
Sounds like someone cant take any fucking criticism. Learn how recording a cd works then come back asshole.

Lick balls friend. I'm better than you. that's all that matters.
Psychonaut said:
I love it when someone asks opinions and then slams you if it's not what he wanted to hear.

Just for the record, it was a good cover.

Christkiller is an idiot. He just says a bunch of bullshit to piss people off. There's people like him on every message board.
Dude you got some serious talent man. I know opinions are opinions and everyone has the flavour of what they like, but as for me your shit fucking rocks! Chapel of damnation fucking really kicks ass as well for the other songs posted, i like the way you combined brutal death metal with some melodic peices. Those peices are classics in my opinion. Man you need to get a band put together i live in Ontario myself and play death metal too. I cant find a drummer or a guitarist that can play fast and on key. I am not saying i am the greatest but i can hold a crunch and fucking kick some serious heavy ass when i want. For now i am going to learn some of your songs, add me to your msn if you got it that way i can send you some sound samples of my own, just guitars thuogh no drums or anything. Tell me if you like some riffs, later man and dont worry about some people and their over critical opinions i think your shit kicks major mother fucking ass! Fucking right! "let the metal flow" hey by the way were you at the Cannibal show when they came here? I seen em in Toronto and they fucking ruled! Severed SAviour was pretty fucking wicked too.
i couldnt tell the difference as to who was benton and who wasn't!

you need a better host for mp3s man. i had a hell of a time finding the download link. try (where i host)

nice stuff!!!
What in the fuck is this Karaoke crap? Give it up anyone with a computer can make this bullshit. KILL YOURSELF!!!