Live tracks


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2004
This doesn't have anything to do with deicide but since they're one of my main influences i'll post this in here. I've posted in here before when i recorded the cover of scars. I've got some live bloodpool tracks up on I don't know if any of you checked out the bloodpool recordings before, but those were all recorded by just me. Bloodpool is an actual band now. I've got some live tracks from our show last night, if any of you are interested. We'll be recording a demo within the next few weeks.
KEVIN YOU BADASS MUTHA FUCKA! This shit has so much fucking potential it kicks ass! For once some seriously brutal metal from Ontario, gotta love what you hear folks. If you dont then hey..........go to the backstreet boyyyyyyieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.