Deicide's new album will be good...

Maybe, but Glen & crew still have that big ego asshole attitude towards fan. I for one am not supporting these assholes anymore. Living in Tampa teaches you how Deicide treats their fans and Glen needs to work on his act. Hope he won't turn Vital Remains in Deicide.
when i lived in Tampa, they were always nice to ex fiancee's band opened up for em and got booed off the staged cuz the TAMPA FANS were in such a hurry to see em. Steve was verty apologetic about it,, cuz my ex's band was good. (The Mortuary Society) So that being said, I thhink Deicide has an attitude with Tampa fans cuz most of em are spoiled brats who have members of Morbid Angel handing out fliers to their next show at a Mercyful Fate show. The Tampa ppl are so used to being accessable to these baaands that they give them no respect. It's been going on a long time...
Thanatopsis123 said:
I hope they learned something from Vital Remains....

The new Vital Remains album sucks!!!! Their songs are boring and to drawn out.Id rather listen to Napalm Death,Deicide,Cannibal Corpse,Malevolent Creation,Bolt Thrower,and Dying Fetus than them.
I can never figure what people mean by their heaviest album yet. Do they mean more aggressive or that their guitar is tuned even more down (if u understand my danish-english here)......As far as I see it, if their next album is as aggresive as Legion or Deicide my thump goes up...way up!.... But OUTC is still their masterpiece!
You know what man i really hope this album is going to be as kick ass as they are promoting it too be, Deicide has a reputation for total blasphemic deadly music.But everyone has their flow and what they consider kick ass but i think all deicide fans should know whats good deicide and whats crap. I didnt like the In Torment In Hell album, i thuoght the sound was destructive for sure and production was cool but it seemed like they rushed it. I also have for some bizaare reason noticed that the D tuning of their music kind of ruins the quality of their standard e flat tunings. The guitars are to choppy when their sound is in a D but when it was in a E flat it sounded smoother. I thuoght When Satan Lives was a awsome album that displayed their ability to play what they write rather then take shortcuts like other bands i hear. Anyways man i am new here and glad to be here.
i have never been disapointed with a deicide album execpt In Torment In Hell...but that album sucked because they didint have Scott Morrison producing...and they wanted to get off Road Runner....i dont blame them...i hate Road Runner now...bunch of crap bands
BurialMass said:
i have never been disapointed with a deicide album execpt In Torment In Hell...but that album sucked because they didint have Scott Morrison producing...and they wanted to get off Road Runner....i dont blame them...i hate Road Runner now...bunch of crap bands

the reason why "In Torment in Hell" sucked is because roadrunner screwed deicide over. Deicide was only given like five hundred dollars from RoadRunner to make the album, which is barely nothing. Deicide barely made any money off the album. they didn't even have to do it but they did it anyways. so they just threw riffs together and Bryan made up some simple solos and the album was done in less than a year. RoadRunner has screwed deicide over a number of times, but now since their with earache records i guarantee their next album, Scars of the Crucifix, will be good.
Ayeka said:
I thought the live album was the one they released to try and get off Roadrunner? :confused:

no, their live album came out in 1998 before "in torment in Hell" and "Insineratehymn". it took them a while to get Roadrunner to agree to have Deicide make a live album.