Deja Vu

I get it, but I don't think it was from a "past life" or anything like that. I just think that I've done this before, and sometimes I remember exactly when it was.
I get it, but I don't think it was from a "past life" or anything like that. I just think that I've done this before, and sometimes I remember exactly when it was.

I don't mean just feeling like you'd done it before, I get it like, say I'm typing something out while watching TV. I suddenly feel like i've already had this exact same conversation before, and then i'll hear something from the TV that I remember having heard. It's like I've already lived through it, but I can't remember it until it happens, again :confused:
I get it all the time, I'm talking daily, more than once a day. I have no idea what it means or how it happens, but I know there's no rational explanation for it.
I am obsessive towards Deja-Vu. Especially with Music, i hear a riff that is derivative of another riff, or is similar to another riff, and then i have to go through my whole CD/LP/MP# collection untill i found out where i knew it from. Same with writing riffs, i sometimes find that i write a riff, and it sounds familiar, but i'm not sure where. And about a week later, after i've got the band together and we're half way through a song, i remember where it comes from, and then i have to NOT use that riff. It's terrible, especially when that riff is the focus of the song.
I have wierd, strong Deja VU. There are times where I'll be having a conversation, and KNOW whats going to be said next. One time I was on the phone with my brother and this happened. I started typing what he was gonna say before he got to it to see if I could, and it was totally right, down to how he phrased things...creepy... I get tripped out like that frequently.
Haven't you ever watched The Matrix? :p

It's happened to me in conversations, and once I knew what the other bloke was going to say that I said it for him, and he was really freaked out. It's also happened when I've been writing guitar riffs, and stuff sounds familiar.
Originally posted by Oyo
A lot of times I can't remember if something really happened or if it was a dream, so confusing :confused: :eek: :confused:

Same here! That gets both confusing and annoying :mad:

I get dejavu quite often and have no idea why. Often when I can't possibly have done exactly the same thing or even a similar onwe before:confused: :D
deja vu is amazing
i get it all the time. our minds are extremely powerful.
i'm sure there are all sorts of crazy things we can do... telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation :D
if only we knew how...
i guess in a few centuries we'll figure it out.
I get deja vu's every day, one or lots of. Usually they are something like "hey, this has happened before, I remember doing this" etc, I remember a short moment. Sometimes I have these about 20 in a row. But sometimes I get stronger ones, like I might remember a little conversation, what everyone is going to say and do. That's really confusing :confused: I remember once at my friends house, before he did anything, I said excatly what he was about to say :err: I'm also curious to know where these come from..
Hmm... maybe it has to do with intuision. Seeing the future. It's as if we 'remeber' the future the same way as we remember the past. Some have more of it, some less, and some can actually control it. We might figure out how it works, but then, maybe we have just forgotten..? People might have known once. Interesting, anyway.
I have deja-vu's quite often, and it can be very frustrating sometimes, but others it's very fun in a way. Like: damn it, I know this, I know what's going to happend now. Sometimes I feel someone coming, I turn around and there they are.