Fucking Deja Vu again!


Nov 9, 2001
I've been getting Deja Vu like every other day for a few weeks now, directed towards no specific incident. It's just like a quick, random thing every now and then.

I've also been having constant dreams of snakebites. I keep frinding really awesome and beautiful strange snakes in my dreams, and for some reason I always pick them up- safely at first, but then they wriggle their way out of my grip and bite me.

The last time, they were snakes that were branches made of wood, that could trun into snakes. They had like plaid and diamond markings. Before that, it was grey and red diamond patterned snakes that lived undernight tables in a hotel.

Also, I've had little to no appetite. Thoughts?
i think this means that you'll have one of the following occur:

(1) you'll become very happy, very soon
(2) you have a brain tumor (dont worry, cancer's not as bad as people say it is)
(3) someone is going to murder you.

I'm having one of those days where evrything is boring, even shit that I really like a lot. I don't want to read anything or listen to anything, I just kind of want to sit here. Actually, I'd like to be outside. Maybe I'll go across the street and get some ice cream?

It feels like it's my last day on earth or something. DEADLY OMENS.
Weird, I was trying to sign up for an e-mail address today and randomly chose "snakebite" as my username.

I don't know why you're getting Biblical imagery in your dreams, but as long as Uriel stays out of them, you'll probably be all right.
I actually did used to have a recurring dream, every night, where i would pee in the dream. And I'd be really scared that I might have peed the bed, because it was so realistic (the feeling, i mean).

This happened every single night for months until I finally once realized i was dreaming and consciously held the pee. After that, I never had a pee dream again!
i'm totally joking, obviously you should know this because cancer is way worse than everyone says!

in reality, i believe you've been spending a lot of time to yourself lately thinking about stuff. it will culminate in something neat if you dont self-sabotage with ridiculous self-doubts.

p.s. i am like freud but like, a girl.
generally if you dream that you're being murdered you won't be. it's sort of like, if you're conscious of its possibility, you lessen the chances (unless you're one of those total weirdos that is completely unconsciously self destructive, in which case, no you can't come to my xmas party)
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