Such things make me wanna pull the hair from my skull!
It's so unfair, that i get insane of frustration.
I relive every freaking second i got robbed from my purse a few years ago, everytime i hear people get robbed. I got robbed by two assholes on a scooter, who obviously thought they could take more from me, besides my purse. (which held my wallet, telephone and passport).
They had my purse and they kept riding besides me, that freaked me the fuck out! I got so mad, i looked at the guy next to me, hit my brake and kicked him right in his hamstring. I swear, untill today i do not know what made me decide to do that, i went blank! I was lucky the driver barely could keep his balance by my kick, got the message and drove off. His partner in crime yelled something i couldn't understand,
but i guess Allah understood what he meant :Smug:
Damn Kevin, find that mofo who wrecked your belongings!
Then hold him, call me, nail him next to jesus (that'll keep 'm busy in the meanwhile).
We'll decide what to do next, when i arrive.