Delain vs. Epica?


Quasi-Old Fart
Oct 25, 2010
I know for some this is "oh crap - Babe-Metal, who cares?"; and for others it is "Yes, more, please."

For whatever reason, these two bands are the bigger of the female-fronted metal bands who have played ProgPower, so I am just curious who has preferences, and why?

For the record, I love listening to both bands, for completely different reasons. Epica has that huge TSO kind of sound with pretty awesome skyward vocals and Jansen's death gutturals reaching out thorugh the woofers. Plus - any live act that gives you the Spiderman theme and Pirates of the Caribbean theme... well, that is just Metal as Hell.

Delain is more "kick back, listen to some cool music while I grill steaks." No dragons riding motorcycles, just some catchy lyrics - they sort of have a Cranberries/Blind Melon vibe for me... but with double kicks and good guitar (I mean that in a good way).

So now that I've bared my soul with my love for these two acts, share your thoughts.
For whatever reason, these two bands are the bigger of the female-fronted metal bands who have played ProgPower

As far as the question as stated, definitely prefer Epica. Not a big fan of either but I find Epica's output more interesting.
I personally think Epica edges out Delain. Epica is much heavier. Delain on the other hand is WAY more catchy and melodic. I love both aspects, but prefer faster heavier stuff.
Epica has that huge TSO kind of sound with pretty awesome skyward vocals and Jansen's death gutturals reaching out thorugh the woofers.


Sorry but Delain's style of *cough*'metal'*cough* is a pure snoozefest for me. Sad but true. Yeah, she's a doll... but that's it.
And the winner is...

Actually, these two are apples and oranges for me. I have been a fan of Epica from their inception and have enjoyed following their progression through the years. I listen to them frequently, have seen them in concert on several occasions. I love their middle-eastern infused song structures, aggressive/beautiful vocal interplay, and the overall symphonic nature.

As for Delain, I am a johnny come-lately to their existence hearing about them about the same time it was announced they would perform at ProgPower. I listened to them quite a bit leading up to ProgPower, enjoyed their performance, but I can't say I have revisited their CD's very much since. For me it is pop-infused metal which I need to be in the "right mood" to play.
Apples and Oranges, I prefer Delain for the catchiness of the music and Charlotte's tone and I love Epica for Simone's amazing voice and the heaviness and epic scope of the music. So it's a tie for me!
I think Simone's vocals sound forced onto the music of Epica. It feels unnatural to me. I can't get into them at all. Delain on the other hand seems to fold Charlotte's voice into the music and it all flows much more smoothly. Delain for me.
Two completely different styles of metal. The only similarity is that both bands are from Holland and both have beautiful women as singers. :)
I don't think they compare well (as others have mentioned), but I'd pick Epica any day of the week and twice on Tuesday. Not a huge fan of Delain.
For whatever reason, these two bands are the bigger of the female-fronted metal bands who have played ProgPower, so I am just curious who has preferences, and why?


You really should look up Nightwish. ;)
Epica has that huge TSO kind of sound with pretty awesome skyward vocals and Jansen's death gutturals reaching out thorugh the woofers. Plus - any live act that gives you Death's "Crystal Mountain"... well, that is just Metal as Hell.

Fixed. :heh:

Delain is okay, but Epica wins this one for me by a landslide. "Consign to Oblivion" is pretty damned epic. :kickass: