Delain vs. Epica?

Bummer! I had hoped this thread was going to be about Jello wrestling. :)

I can't really answer. I saw Delain and liked them. I missed Epica when they were here. I'll let you know my opinion a year from now. :)
Apples and Oranges, I prefer Delain for the catchiness of the music and Charlotte's tone and I love Epica for Simone's amazing voice and the heaviness and epic scope of the music. So it's a tie for me!
This mirrors my feelings. Only thing to add is anytime Marco is put in to the mix it's a win for me. He could sing Happy Birthday off key and I'd love it. Actually, I think I've heard that.
Between Epica and Delain, I'd have to go with Within Temptation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm regretful at missing the Delain show, and I'm stoked to see Epica again, but I think Within Temptation rocks them both. Their last album/Dvd is the best thing I got at Prog Power this year.
Seriously, if you guys like either band, check Within Temptation out.
I prefer Epica. To me they're a melodic death metal band with some female vocals thrown in. I do have to admit I don't have any of Delain's CDs, I just saw them last year at PP. They were really good but I enjoy Epica more.
Between Epica and Delain, I'd have to go with Within Temptation.

Loved all their albums since Mother Earth to varying degrees. The Silent Force was my overall favorite until the new one came out - we'll see if it stands the test of time.

I also love both Delain and Epica, but they are so different I don't really see how to compare them. It was much easier to get into Delain - I loved them from the first time I spun April Rain (I owned Lucidity but didn't really get into it until after I was into April Rain - just didn't grab me). I couldn't really get into Epica until I saw them live at Progpower (was it VI?). Cookie Monster vocals are really, really difficult for me to get into unless they are used very sparingly (i.e. Serenity), so it took seeing them live to truly appreciate them.
Delain is okay, but Epica wins this one for me by a landslide. "Consign to Oblivion" is pretty damned epic. :kickass:

Especially in surround. (Yes, I own the SACD version of the album, and it is even more awesome that way. Probably one of the best surround albums I know of.)
Let me think on this one......hmmmmmm


Oh yeah...I remember now. Excellent in every way :flame:
Madder Mortem.

I keed. I'm not really huge on either band, but there are a good number of Epica songs I'll gladly nod my head to, and a couple that actually kinda get me goin'

Delain simply does nothing for me. Virtually the only thing about them that stands out is their singer, and it takes more than a pretty face/voice to reel me in.
Nobody spoke of Leaves Eyes?!? She was fucking awesome live, and I hated them before that gig!
Epica for me. Delain was very good, but Epica was killer!
I love both Delain and Epica. Different sounds, but really enjoyed seeing both at ProgPower.

And of course I love Within Temptation and Nightwish as well, but I can't believe nobody in the thread has mentioned how awesome After Forever was when they performed here at ProgPower. Their performance is still one of my favorite live performances I have ever witnessed.
And of course I love Within Temptation and Nightwish as well, but I can't believe nobody in the thread has mentioned how awesome After Forever was when they performed here at ProgPower. Their performance is still one of my favorite live performances I have ever witnessed.

And I so regret not going. I had thought I'd catch After Forever when they came to Jaxx, but I hadn't realized that a trip I was taking was going to conflict with it. Course, now they are no more.
I agree you can't really compare them, different styles for different moods. I guess I would pop in a Delain cd over Epica most times, but they are both great bands. Can't wait to see Epica again!
I've mentioned my dislike of certain aspects of Epica's music before. The last album at least began addressing it though.
Delain vs. Epica??????? is this a video game???????? I respect this question but to me things like this only promotes a competition when there is none. All the members from both bands are very close friends and I know for a fact from talking to them that they don't really like it when people turn it into a competition. Both bands are awesome in their own ways and I love all of them like family. Sorry, not trying to sound like a jerk or anything but it is what it is. :)