Name: Guillermo
Occupation: Enterprise Rent-a-car (MT) -- finally got a good job w/ a stable company after a few misses! Also work as a reporter (stringer) for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune and Pasadena Star News on occasion.
Status: Married - millenium wedding, baby!!! Y2G!!!
Became a Fan: When i was 14. Three of my buddies and i went to the beach. At the time, I was a rap fan (old school shit, not any of this crap that's out now). So one of my buds was like "You like rap, huh? Well check this song out!" It was I'm The Man. I liked it a lot, but then 'Sabbath Bloody Sabbath' came on and i was hooked! I dropped rap and Returned to metal (og Kiss fan). But I became an even bigger fan when Bush joined (best album of the 90's was SOWN!).
Best Show: Galaxy theater in Santa Ana - Feb. 2000 -- Best damn show I've ever seen - period!
Best Moment: 3 way tie
1- First time I met John Bush (my idol). He bought me some shots at Black Lodge - his metal night club he ran for a few months here in L.A. - and we drank and talked about the band and basketball!!
2- Talking to Frank at the same club the following week. Talked to him for an hour and 1/2 about his feelings about the band and music in general (the first message board had my post on this).
3- Having the guys sing happy b-day to my wife during the San Diego stop of the Max Rock tour! totally fkn cool!
Added Bonus: Talking and meeting Snake Sabo after his first appearance with anthrax here in a Santa Ana show. He and Scott talked to my wife and me for about 45 minutes. Snake is one of the best around -- hands down!!!
sorry it's so long!