No man I'm not a supporter of SLIPKNOT,and I'm not arguing w/ you.....personally I share the opinion of so many are the band and the rest just banging on shit....I thought the first disc was good, cause they kept a beat at least...second album is beating on lead pipes with a wrench and yelling MOTHERFUCKER a lot! Rap metal is a part of the future...I'm not fully embracing it, I'm just trying to pick the original from the crap. MUSHROOMHEAD for instance....been a band longer than slipknot (who cares about the mask issue...thats not what attracted me to them) Each memeber actually plays an instrument ( no banging on pans and shit) cleaner more crisp sound than slip, and heavy on the piano.
Piano is the key instrument in damn near every song. They remind me of MR. BUNGLE. But I'm not mad or arguing...I just mean that slip started out promising, but then became another
band that would turn a girl from britney to "metal" overnight just b/c her friends saw them on trl and carson daly gave them his seal of approval for coolness.