Demoing the Peavey 6505 Piranha (20watt micro head)

That actually sounds really fucking good!

Edit: Things got a Loop too huh?!

For $200, I should just sell my current rig and go small and simple. Lol.
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Thanks guys.

Yeah downstroy, it's my song. Well it's not really a song, just a bunch of thrash riffs smashed together for the purposes of a demo :lol:

All in all I think this is great for the price. It's definitely got that smushy 5150 feel to it. Obviously, you don't have a great amount of control over the EQ as it's just a one-knob adjustment, and how it's adjusted as you sweep it from one side to the next is entirely down to how they've crafted it, so that all has to be done in post. It works fine for 'in the room', but mic'd up it was a bit of a fight.

But fuck, I've got a Zilla 2x12 kicking around that I've been using to jam through with this thing and it's fucking great. It gets that 5150 feel at talking volume, what more could you ask for in a great sounding practice amp with an fx loop!
Zero on the singled track at the end, but during the full band mix there's a bit. Only fairly standard EQ though. HP@80hz, LP@8.5khz, a slight (very slight) scoop at about 550hz, and a tiny nod to 1.2khz. That's more to do with the cab than anything.

There is, however, a fairly substantial (albeit an extremely narrow Q) reduction at about 2khz. I found the amp to be putting out an excessive amount of that washy upper mid frequency, especially when the EQ knob was rolled round to the "Notched" side (anti-clockwise).