Soon NAD.. Buying a 6505+ Head for my 20th Birthday .. thoughts? (attention-wh***ng)


Feb 29, 2012
So despite of nobody probably giving a darn feck, I felt like sharing my soon-to-be-dream-come-true-whatever-exciting-news(!) :Spam:

I went through hell and back trying to get a decent sound out of my head-converted 6505+ 112 amp, with a Koch Loadbox and various impulses, but all in all, it just wasn't enough to tranquilize my GAS..
This is the lousy-slopped-up quicksnip of a c***-clip I managed to pull out of my 6505+ 112, with as little DAW-EQ as possible, focusing more on computer/DAW skills, than amp-settings and playing technique..

Anyway.. I recently did a random Google search on "6505+ 112 problems"

Now especially the buffer stuff caught my attention, because it specifically dealt with the sonic differences between the sound of a 6505+ 112 with a buffer engaged, and the sound without - Making quite a difference..
Some might know the 'valveking-patch-cable-trick' .. well it's the same, just that the trick is more of a 'We take your signal and make it solid state, nice and ready for you"-kinda-thing..

Well whatever, - It boosts the treble/fizz and kills the low-mid and dynamics of the amp.. IMO..

So then I went like 'oh gawd, my rig is imperfect, what to do' and tried to use my decimator G-string only up front, but since that thing relies on a signal from both up front and in the loop, I was left with the dilemma options of

1) Get Tech'ie and mingle with the amps FX send, which probably wouldn't be a very successful operation..

2) Buy a Decimator noise gate (the old one) to get up front..
and lastly..

3) Just get the **** over with my "try to get as close to the 6505+ tone as possible" and just buy the darn thing already..

Which is exactly what I am going to do.. horay..!

Now every sane person would probably ask, 'what in god's name will a soon-to-be 20-year old douche from Denmark, without a band or a studio, still living at home, not being able to play anything out loud, and generally crippled beyond repair acoustic-wise, use a 6505+ Head to..' ..
And well..
I'm still trying to answer that question.. but it's left open for now.. or... maybe I'll just look like.. .. :devil:

SO .. Where was I... yes.. the Purchase..

I found the 6505+ Head on Digital Village, for around 1k euro (a B-stock product) - Which is just fine, considering it's next-to-new, and still got all the 4 year-warranty-stuff and what not .. and then it's only 17 euro for shipping to Denmark.. :D

Now .. is 1k euro for a bit better tone worth it .. ? .. probably not..
But will the amp last a centuary, and serve me well, and give me a chance to check one more thing off my 'things I have to do before I turn into fertilizing clay'-list.. .. hmm.. YUP!!! :kickass:


What's your thoughts anyway..??

...apart from the urge to stab me multiple times with a WASP-injector-knife, for having wasted valuable time of your life..

Keep rocking.. and EATING! :loco: ..

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I've had the 6505+ 112(used a mesa cab) and the 6505+ head, never really liked the tones I as getting from either of them. Now I have a 5150 3 50watt and I could not be happier. Sold my Mesa Rectoverb and fender blues amps. Best tone and feel I've ever had. I only play in my home studio, it sounds great cranked and at lower levels.
Over the last couple years I've had many amps trying to find "the tone" and something that would work for my situation(small home studio) something that would sound good without blowing out the windows. I've had a Krank rev jr., Krank Revolution, Mesa Dual Rec, 6505+ 112, Krank Krankenstein jr. 6505+, Mesa Rectoverb as well a PODx3, Axefx and PODhd500. I loved the Rectoverb, sounded great at lower levels, but the 5150 3 micro beats them all IMO.
Hehe yeah I'm sure the 5150 3 is pure eargasm, despite not cutting as well as the 5150 (II) / 6505(+) amps, it's still just an amazing piece of hardware. It's simply just too expensive. I find it alright to get decent cleans just direct from my interface, just for small parts. I think the 5150 3 is twice the price of a new 6505+, and I'm getting the 6505+ (b-stock/new) for 1k euro (which is an okay price here in europe). 6505+ has always been my childhood dream-amp, so I'm just freaking out like a little kid, even with this amp - I really have high expectations, which might kill the mood sooner or later, but hey .. it's a 6505+, I really like the generic metalcore tone, so what can go wrong ;)?

I've had the 6505+ 112(used a mesa cab) and the 6505+ head, never really liked the tones I as getting from either of them. Now I have a 5150 3 50watt and I could not be happier. Sold my Mesa Rectoverb and fender blues amps. Best tone and feel I've ever had. I only play in my home studio, it sounds great cranked and at lower levels.
Over the last couple years I've had many amps trying to find "the tone" and something that would work for my situation(small home studio) something that would sound good without blowing out the windows. I've had a Krank rev jr., Krank Revolution, Mesa Dual Rec, 6505+ 112, Krank Krankenstein jr. 6505+, Mesa Rectoverb as well a PODx3, Axefx and PODhd500. I loved the Rectoverb, sounded great at lower levels, but the 5150 3 micro beats them all IMO.

I'm going to have to find a place where I can try one. Ill def try it before I buy it.
The 6505+ sounds more or less like the tone you have there to be honest, that clip is not that bad, and to me sounds like a 6505+. If you want an upgrade from what you currently have, I would look into the 5150 or 6505 standard models as they are chunkier and are less scratchy. I know they are very tough to find for decent prices outside of America, I can sympathize with that, but I just had my good friend from Europe over, and his jaw hit the floor when he heard my 5150 cranked up :devil:
The 6505+ sounds more or less like the tone you have there to be honest, that clip is not that bad, and to me sounds like a 6505+. If you want an upgrade from what you currently have, I would look into the 5150 or 6505 standard models as they are chunkier and are less scratchy. I know they are very tough to find for decent prices outside of America, I can sympathize with that, but I just had my good friend from Europe over, and his jaw hit the floor when he heard my 5150 cranked up :devil:

Oh well ;) - We'll see, when it gets here. 5150's are just impossible to get your hands on around here though.