Demons & Wizards...Better Than Any BG Album?

Walter_Langkowski said:
Thanks for your honest opinions Zod.
Hey, if we don't have honesty, what do we have? :loco:

Walter_Langkowski said:
Oh, and I've heard The Gettysburg trilogy quite a few times and I think that it is uninspired garbage...
Uninspired? If you don't like it, you don't like it. But to call it uninspired seems like an unfair criticism. I'm not sure anything could possibly inspire Jon more. And the way Tim ends that CD, as the voice of Lee, begging god for forgiveness, seems to be dripping with inspiration. But hey, to each their own. :rock:

d&w is great.. it is a different sound than blind guardian to me. more like what orphaned land is to prog metal(?).. sounds inspired in every aspect in a different, unconventional way. hard to explain really, other than you dont get a typical power ballad/slow singalong, instead the songs themselves are highly varied within each other, even fiddler has a heavy portion. perhaps its the stellar singing with the different than bg backround music that makes it appealing and different

anyways, if I want to listen to something heavy(to me), i'll pick this over bg. bg is a different sound and (partially) different song writing
Hey, Walter,
I don't know if I can agree with you on this one. I like the Demons & Wizards album, but in my opinion, it's really nothing more than what you would get if you take an Iced Earth album and put Hansi Kursch's vocals over it. Maybe it's because I'm not the biggest Iced Earth or Blind Guardian fan (though I'm starting to dig Blind Guardian more these days), but that's just me.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I would have to say that the D&W cd is probably equal to the best Iced Earth or the best Blind Guardian studio releases. I mean to say that its better than Imaginations or Something Wicked is saying alot. But the cd doesnt even deserve to be on the same planet as ALIVE IN ATHENS IMO the best power metal cd ever.
General Zod said:
Hey, if we don't have honesty, what do we have? :loco:

Uninspired? If you don't like it, you don't like it. But to call it uninspired seems like an unfair criticism. I'm not sure anything could possibly inspire Jon more. And the way Tim ends that CD, as the voice of Lee, begging god for forgiveness, seems to be dripping with inspiration. But hey, to each their own. :rock:


Lee begging for forgiveness is the lowest point of the trilogy, otherwise it is brilliant and as inspired as any music/songs out there.
I love Iced Earth, I also love Blind Guardian, so to put those two togeather is wonderful to me, and as was stated a few times that they are on a totally different field, I like the D&W album just as much if not more than any Iced Earth or Blind Guardian album.
demons and wizards is a very good cd. but its not better then the best of either band. tho i will say iced earths newest release is basically a judas priest tribute album. i really am disapointed in their choice of an "80s" style singer. makes the band sound so retro. he cant hold barlows jock, tho i cant blame jon for matt leaving. and dark saga and something wicked and even horror show tottally surpass glorious burden in every way.
the heart might have been in the writing, it jsut didnt come across in the end. and greenface is one of the worst songs of all time!!!
I'm probably the only person in the whole world to think this, but I actually prefer them with owens >.<
And Bobby Jarzombeck is ridiculous too, better than the guy who's now working for howard stern who's name I can't remember
Petethedrummer said:
I'm probably the only person in the whole world to think this, but I actually prefer them with owens >.<
And Bobby Jarzombeck is ridiculous too, better than the guy who's now working for howard stern who's name I can't remember

..Richard Christy
Moonchild141 said:
demons and wizards is a very good cd. but its not better then the best of either band. tho i will say iced earths newest release is basically a judas priest tribute album. i really am disapointed in their choice of an "80s" style singer. makes the band sound so retro. he cant hold barlows jock, tho i cant blame jon for matt leaving. and dark saga and something wicked and even horror show tottally surpass glorious burden in every way.
the heart might have been in the writing, it jsut didnt come across in the end. and greenface is one of the worst songs of all time!!!

I agree. The Glorious Burden is terrible! I loved IE with Barlow, especially Something Wicked This Way Comes, but now with Ripper they have become ordinary as there are several singers who sound like his voice does not fit IE's music IMO. Barlow has a unique that defined Iced Earth. Even though Jon writes the music, Barlow is what made them stand out.
I coincidentally brought Demons & Wizards to my office this week. This is one of the top metal albums ever, IMO. To say that it is just "Iced Earth with Hansi singing" is an insult to Hansi's talent with writing vocal melodies. And I've never heard songs like "Path of Glory" or "Fiddler on the Green" on any IE album.

Each band's excellent live albums aside, I think D&W might be better than any IE or BG album.

With their new album coming out, I was hoping Glenn could piece together a D&W show for us. Ah well.