

Room of Angel
Jan 13, 2005
Classic horrific Itallian gorefest! one of the best movies of its kind..

Awesome pre-ending with saxon "Everybody Up" blasting in the background of the almost apocalptic scenario!

Any of you guys seen/Love this movie as much as me ???

And: Have saxon had any music in any other movies??
CRUSADER747 said:
My fave song is 'Fast As A Shark' by Accept

Yeah a great tune for sure wicked harmony guitar work in the solo, its class in the movie the guy and girl riding around the cinema with a samurai sword lopping off heads etc. with that tune playing! Great !!!
I didn't even know that Saxon had a song on a Movie! Thanks for the info, Valanx!

As some of you know, I am a huge movie freak - my favourite genre being Horror movies!

Obviously, I've not seen 'Demons' but I've heard of it - I will have to check out a copy on eBay or something!

Favourite directors would have to be: John Carpenter, George Romereo, Quentin Tarantino, Francis Ford Coppola, Tobe Hooper, Paul Thomas Anderson and Spielberg.

Favourite Movies and actors...? Well... that has to be another subject, yeah?
nightwar said:
Favourite Movies and actors...? Well... that has to be another subject, yeah?

Yep, start a thread mate, could be interesting!!

Some of my fav directors:

John Carpenter (Without a doubt my all time favourite! a brilliant composer and actually a big influence on me!)

George A Romero

Brian Yuzna

Mario and (His son) Lamberto Bava (Lamberto Bava directed Demons!)

Michele Soavi

Fred olen ray - coz his films are so cheesy and he always used to cast Brinke stevens and she always used to get stripped off aye!!

Nightwar :

You must own this movie mate!!!