Designing a studio building


May 27, 2009
hey guys, I've been blessed with the opportunity to get my own building for recording purposes but I now am faced with one problem: design.

The building will be 33ft by 33ft (edited), starting completely from scratch. The one clause, though it shouldn't matter much, is that the drum room needs to "convertible" into being a spare garage in case the whole recording thing goes down the shitter after a few years.

Can you guys perhaps draw me up a basic idea? I've been told that you don't want any parallel walls in the drum room so that makes things hard for me..

Suggestions or even designs will be GREATLY appreciated.
the parallel wall thing isnt a big deal for the "garage." Remember, it doesn;t have to be REALLY far from parallel, just enough to cancel flutter echo. keep the back wall straight, angle the side walls in a few degrees in opposing directions and the front wall have it angled toward the longer side wall. All done!

Have the dimensions of the drum room close to the golden ratio, make sure you keep a high ceiling. You ideally want to have a dead ceiling, highly reflective floor and two of the walls with diffusion and one with absorption, if I recall correctly.
The one clause, though it shouldn't matter much, is that the drum room needs to "convertible" into being a spare garage in case the whole recording thing goes down the shitter after a few years.

Can you guys perhaps draw me up a basic idea? I've been told that you don't want any parallel walls in the drum room so that makes things hard for me

He's saying that God forbid the studio closes, it has to be able to be converted into a garage of sorts, yet he wants to design a "proper" drum facility. Hence why I said "garage."
Go wild


Is my first thought, green is windows... haven't put doors on yet haha

The dotted line on the left is the area which is square and left for a garage... A heavy curtain could be put up and adjusted to change the rt60 of the room depending on coverage.... as for the rest, superchunks in the corners, and maybe even a diffusor in the control room as the distance is pretty close to the crytical distance where diffusion works.

Something like this would probably work really well... adjust room dimensions to taste... you might want a larger control room... I'm ridiculously tired and felt like drawing some shapes... have fun with it.


Id move that door to come into the studio out of the live room and perhaps into the control room. There is always that guy who will walk in mid take no matter how loud the drums/guitars/whatever are.
Joe, I really appreciate the drawing idea! Should prove helpful. Unfortunately, I figured this thread was dead so I didn't update it to say so, the building is more than likely going to instead be on a 33ft by 33ft area. Your drawing will definitely give me a good starting point though, thanks!
Id move that door to come into the studio out of the live room and perhaps into the control room. There is always that guy who will walk in mid take no matter how loud the drums/guitars/whatever are.

I'd prefer that bands didn't have to load through two rooms to get all their gear setup... personal preference... that and when tracking in that room begins, the door gets locked from the inside... easy-peasy.
It's alright man, just hit me up when you have the final dimensions, and I'll do as many designs as you like 'till your happy :)
