Desk chair


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
I need a new desk chair for home pc/ studio use. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I'm willing to spend some decent cash if it's worth it. The current chair I have was comfortable while new, but now I feel the base through the cushion, the wheels are a bit buggered and the chair has an odd wobble.

My preference is for a high back, adjustable height and rearward pivot with ample back/ lumbar support.
Thanks for those lads, will try to track them down.
I definitely won't settle with online browsing Brandon. I was at a store recently and spent a few minutes in each trying to get a feel for them at a desk.
I find that when I sit at a desk I often tend to lean to one side, so I need some time in a chair to see if I still do that, or if there is enough support to make me stop.
I've gone through chair after chair after chair, some of them really cheap like 40€ or something and some a bit more expensive (the one I'm sitting on now cost 199€ and it sucks balls), and next time I'm not settling for anything less than a fucking aeron. Seriously. Constant neck pains, awkward working positions etc. are something I'm more than willing to invest in.
Hm, the Aeron sounds good, but I'm really not sure about the price. One place I found which had reviews listed it as $6,000... that can't be right? I can't seem to find a store which lists the price.
Hm, the Aeron sounds good, but I'm really not sure about the price. One place I found which had reviews listed it as $6,000... that can't be right? I can't seem to find a store which lists the price.

Not right at all. It costs a bit over 1000€ new over here, and even that's too much considering the US price. You can frequently find them on eBay for 400-600€.
Not right at all. It costs a bit over 1000€ new over here, and even that's too much considering the US price. You can frequently find them on eBay for 400-600€.

Damn right. I found one a month ago for 700 new. I bet you can find it even cheaper
hermann miller aeron,

i bought one used, in pristine condition, for about 650 Euro, last year, from a ebay dealer in germany..
you are all crazy..........or swim in money :)

If you're gonna work in a studio, you will end up spending 40+ hours a week sitting in front of the console/DAW for years. It's easy to develop serious neck, back and wrist problems if you're sitting in a bad position, and I've seen a couple of AE's who are totally physically fucked because of bad working ergonomics.

It's one of the best investments you can make. A lot better than a pair of new monitors or a 1176.
If you're gonna work in a studio, you will end up spending 40+ hours a week sitting in front of the console/DAW for years. It's easy to develop serious neck, back and wrist problems if you're sitting in a bad position, and I've seen a couple of AE's who are totally physically fucked because of bad working ergonomics.

It's one of the best investments you can make. A lot better than a pair of new monitors or a 1176.

well said
If you're gonna work in a studio, you will end up spending 40+ hours a week sitting in front of the console/DAW for years. It's easy to develop serious neck, back and wrist problems if you're sitting in a bad position, and I've seen a couple of AE's who are totally physically fucked because of bad working ergonomics.

It's one of the best investments you can make. A lot better than a pair of new monitors or a 1176.


also, my aeron was only $450, if you look around you can find good deals on them