Desktop Screen Shots

You should see how many it is in my GP file folder, and there, it is nicely organized:cool:




Macfag! :lol: Actually I'd like to get one, but one day when my economy isn't fucked up so I can afford those prices.

EDIT: Yes, Vista sucks, but I don't want to uninstall everything to install XP and then again on Christmas with Windows 7 :)

oh gawd, i can't stand loads of random files at random =( wen it comes to my notebook, i'm utterly organized. Minimalism ftw
Thanks! :) That's Portmarnock beach, Portmarnock is a small village near Dublin where I was in July working. Also last year and the previous two too, but those two as student. It's a really nice place.

oh gawd, i can't stand loads of random files at random =( wen it comes to my notebook, i'm utterly organized. Minimalism ftw

That's to blame on COBOT Album III. I have all the MIDI and WAV files on the desktop to have easy access to them, and to remember to delete them when the song is finally done, as particularly WAV files take shitloads of space. Usually I don't have more than two rows of icons.