Desolator - Mass Human Pyre (NEW DEMO!)

we'll see how massive the overall critique is also, people here are used to more polished stuff with Bloodbath etc. if it's overall f-this because of the drumming we might do an EQ drum machine version, but people kept complaining about that take as well so dunno
we'll see how massive the overall critique is also, people here are used to more polished stuff with Bloodbath etc. if it's overall f-this because of the drumming we might do an EQ drum machine version, but people kept complaining about that take as well so dunno

People will always complain, fuck people! :)
The drummer may be a great pal, but if he doesn't practice it's time to go..

Drummers are the heart of the music, he's now failing to pump blood.

If this was the 1st demo I'd be more ok with it, but then there is no improvement no matter how cool the music is.

And of course I'm used to polished, it will be my job to make sure things are polished.

And we are not talking about sound production here, we are talking about a musician being able to do his job or not.

Having a better drummer would instantly make the rest of the musicians stand out and the whole thing would sound tight.

There is no "oh we're cool because we are not some commercial polished band", there's only a "we're cool because we can play our shit right".

You have the old school sound and cool writing, now where's the old school shredding?
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My thoughts are pretty much the same as scavneck. My favorite desolator work continues to be the drum machine version of gravefeast. To begin with, the songs aren't as awesome as gravefeast IMO.
I think there are some really interesting melodies and groves, i like! :)
I have to listen more though.
The only bad reaction for me is on timings and technique.
@the_fiend dont think there has been any active moderation on this forum since the early 70s something... just look@the amount of spam threads :)
Why are we talking about this? Has anyone been complaining?
Everyone here is retarded and offtopic every day anyway, might as well talk about music now and then.
i don't really care who posts what, i just wanted to shove that in the thread :P

See, no one is complaining about the music.

I know the feeling Stefan, my band doesn't have a drummer for 2 years and we've decided to go with a Mac laptop hahaha.