Desolator - Mass Human Pyre (NEW DEMO!)

I don't despite them, it's not that I have something against you yet I don't wanna rip you a new anus with a critic but since you asked for it :) the songs are just not good to my ears, most of the time "everything" sounds irritatingly sloppy, from drums to vocals, and the drums breaks are really a mess... the riff department is not that impressive and at times it sounds like it's difficult for you to move from one riff to another, kinda weird but that's the feeling I've got from it... anyways, to me stefan did his best with the first ending quest demo, that one was good and I reaffirm that 80/100 I gave you on metallum... I don't care about complex song structures or whatever, I recognize the stockholm sound mostly due to 4 things, groove, ride-like drum beats, hm-2 and eerie melodies, you got some buzz on the guitars and that's it, everything else is ruined for the lack of a metronome in the studio, some cool samplers here and there, but that makes it up for 35 or 40/100 at most. If mille can't hold with the level the band wants to achieve then get rid of him, sad true, use drums kit from hell or whatever and move on.
I still do not understand exactly what you're getting at, everything is clearly audible on this demo compared to to the Ending Quest demos or the first Desolator demo perhaps that is the problem? And for the record Desolator has nothing to do with the Stockholm hm-2 sound or style we are aiming for a US death metal style like early morbid angel, death and autopsy. There would be no point in having two bands doing the exact same thing.
but you don't sound like morbid angel at all o_O and ending quest sounds far more autopsy than desolator also, I give you the death comparison, leprosy-like maybe... I think I explained myself enough anyways, massive metronome failure in all areas doomed this demo for me.
at least fart factory can handle timing properly, vocals, guitars and drums! this won't even stay in my files, keep in mind I like your first demo. as I see it, music wise this is one helluva big mistake for you, if you don't have quality stuff simply don't release it, otherwise you're digging your own grave, if you release more demos like this one the best thing the band will have in the future will be the logo. it's an honest opinion and I'm sorry if you don't like it but I just can't see how you where expecting positive reactions really, at least I have the balls to tell you this, and think I'm the only one here that can get beaten in case you wanna take revenge since I'm the only one outside the band in this forum living in stockholm. blame the drums yet it's not that the material itself is that strong.

the mixing is better this time, the lyrics are a bit cheesy but they do sound cool most of the time, like the first verses of mass human pyre... I'll keep listening to Gravefeast... maybe live it sounds better, we'll see.

I partly agree with this.
Im most disappointment in the off beat and untightness.
I mean the startring riffs of Mass Human Pyre that goes out of beat just makes me feel like you dont really give a shit. Not good.
Melodies and riffs is pretty good imo, but the bad quality throws it off.

Next release need to be a step up when it comes to technique.

I also agree that the EQ releases are better than this.