Desolator - Mass Human Pyre (NEW DEMO!)

they are really turning out to be the metallica of "death metal" atm...
But i guess thats the way it is - when you are one of the most known band in the genre you can get away with releasing any shit you want rly.
Well it also is partly the recording guy's fault for not pushing the band to play more tight. For not caring when the L and R guitar are not in sync, etc. But a good drummer instantly makes everyone elses life easier. In serious recording it's all about details, nothing in life comes easy if you want it to come out professionally, then everyone would be considered professional. You guys need to start using Metal Foundry or BFD 2 for drums if there are no good drummers out there right now. And finally you guys need to be honest with yourselves, if you fucked up, new take.
Just checked it out, good shit guys! Big timing issues but good shit nonetheless, caught a couple riffs definitely inspired by BB.
I personally think the demo turned out pretty good.
Sure there are times when even the guitars are off etc but afterall
its still a demo recorded in my bedroom with only

1: A semidecent ~150euro soundcard

2: vocals recorded in my hallway without any aucustic managment@all

3: A wrongly set up old Ddrum4 Se for the drums
with a 16yr old drummer that didnt really
give a shit@all during the sessions
and me handling the recording of drums for the first time ever
with a kind of advanced digi drumset.
(the drum sounds are a custom metal foundry setup btw)

4: in the last minute i also reamped the guitars
in a non-proper way using my peavey xxx
hooked up directly to the soundcard and back (fail)

I could surely have pushed for a few extra retakes on some of the guitars but afterall
its not a full length album meant to stand the test of time for 200yrs
but rather a semiquickly recorded demo meant to showoff the general sound of the band.
I rather like the recording to not be massively overproduced like some of the junk out there today
where every riff and every beat is redone 20times
until it sounds more tight then the guitar pro tab of the song. :rolleyes:
no one is expecting Rick Rubin here :) but that is the problem, for instance, if you reamped it in a non-proper way, why did you released like that? dur it was the label pressure because the guys had to go on tour? all in honestly i fell that is more lazyness than trying to be old school