Desolator - Spawn of Misanthropy (out 26 february)

I tried really, really hard like.

But for realsies, was hanging out with Jason and drinking far too much with Jason after just hearing it to write anything.
I had chances, it's just that I'm kind of picky/moody about what music I listen to. It might be a bit weird but if I'm not in the mood or mindset to sit down and really listen to something, I won't enjoy it or connect to the music at all, even if it's shit I'd normally dig.

I never used to be like that, it used to be all metal, all day no matter what I'm doing. :)

I've listened to it all now though

The first time I heard Illusion's of Grandeur it didn't click for me, but it has grown on me now and is probably my second favourite on the EP, although I still think Faceless God is the best track. Every song is pretty solid though, I was really impressed with the atmosphere and quality all across the EP. Drumming is excellent as you guys have already noted, and the mix fits the music perfectly which is part of the reason the atmosphere works so well. I also dug the variety of vocals, it keeps things pretty interesting. Overall it was really good, and the quality is much more consistent than on Unearthly Monument.

Good shit guys \m/

no worries, i'm the same way :)

faceless seems to be a fan favourite from what i can tell, i wonder what maja thinks of this song we dedicated to her? awesome that you liked it caleb!

The new Desolator EP : Such Immolation, Much Behemoth, Many rawrs.

where did the speech from illusions of grandeur come from?