Desperate Need of help (one of olas songs)

Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
So im trying to mix olas newest song (i think its the newest at least) and im not happy with it at all...some parts it sounds good, other parts is sounds like complete shit. Especially in the chorus the guits dont seem to be gelling together and everything just falls apart. Rip me a new one, wtf am i doing wrong.

Ok if you want my advice , here are some suggestions:

1) It's really quiet. Sounds like it needs some compression at least , and raise the master fader
2) Guitars sound pretty fizzy to me , and also too quiet/ in the background. Maybe up the treble / pres and eq it a lil bit. Are you high pass / low passing ? That would probably help you out. What amp sim are you using?
3) Drums sound pretty good , maybe just need some more compression. I don't hear the bass at all. I think you need to eq everything differently for better seperation.
Also throw a noise gate on the guitars
The master bus has nothing on it atm once i get the mix sounding better ill move along to that, faders at 0. Peaks are hittin around -10.

In my mons the guitars sound like they are the loudest part, and way too trebly lol, Its HP and LP. Amp sim is Amplitube Metal, using the "5150" so to speak. Was gonna use podfarm but my toneports at my office so thats a no go.

Bass is giving me a ton of shit, its either too much or non existant. Im struggling to find a happy medium.

The drums are basically dry i have a little eq and comp on the kick and snare and some reverb on the snare thats about it.

Agreed on the eq, im contemplating redoing the whole mix, to me when its just ryhtms, bass, and drums its not bad, then when the other elements come on it goes from not bad to real bad
Are you by chance using Pod Farm? Check the room amount in the cab part if you are , it might be at like 50% room without you realizing
I think you just try a totally different guitar sound , that one is nothing but fizz...
I honestly have no idea then man, try another sim I guess, or up the pres and low pass after to compensate. If you use that tone you're gonna need some surgical eq to get rid of that fizz
Your guitars are all down the center over here. Have you tried panning?
Also sounds like possibly too much gain, but that's hard to tell right now. Try panning them out L 100 and R 100 first and we can go from there.