Desperately need help with recording Krank Rev!


Nov 7, 2006
Hey guys, Ive been trying to record my Krank Rev. through my Marshal Vintage cab, using an SM57. I have tried on the cap, edge of cap, middle of cone, edge of cone, and all have really loud hissing. I turned my presence almost off, filtered, did everything to make a decent tone, but I cant. I turned down the gain to where it's almost unusable. What am I doing wrong?
I would suggest turning the Sweep Down.

Try setting the amp like this:

Pres 5
Sweep 4 to 4.5
Bass 6 (E or D tuning) 3 - 4 (C or Below)
Mid 3 - 4
Treb 6
Master 1.5 (minimum)
Gain 6 (double-tracking) or 4-5 (quad-tracking)

Put the mic 1 Inch from the cab cloth straight on with the centre of the mic pointing at the join of the Dustcap/Cone or 1/3rd of the mic on the cone and 2/3rds on the Dustcap (Slightly closer to the Centre of the dustcap than the Edge position).

These settings are just a guideline. I find that this is where I start from normally.

See how they go.
Thank you GuitarHack! The Pres. seems a bit high. When I recorded with those settings, there was even more hissing. What do you do for post eq? Do you have any samples of your Krank? I trust this forum only for tips, I have heard amazing stuff come through here! I did hear it was hard to record a Krank. More tips would be appreciated!
I tend to like a bit of hiss/sizzle in the RAW tracks. It is definitely easier to EQ out some unwanted hiss and end up with a nice realistic tone than to record darker and try and brighten it up by boosting some highs IMHO.


The last post is using settings: (settings are out of 10)
Pres 5
Sweep 4.5
Bass 3
Mid 3
Treb 6
Master 1.5
Gain: 6

Maxon 808: (settings are o'clock)
OD 7 (min)
Tone 12
Balance 3

Those are RAW tracks.