Devildriver on Scrubs

scrubs is like the king of great music. no one here is going to penalize them on this misnomer. i'll bite.
true. at least i didn't get in a panic over them being labeled speed metal. Like when people label Slayer death metal then you get the whole "no, it's speed metal" - "no it's thrash metal" - etc, etc.

labels are useless anyway imo.

I'm so happy to be in a generic thrashspeed death metal country hybrid crossover hardcore band that I could just shit myself...
Scrubs is one of the only current shows I still watch.
I missed the episode last week though. How did (I won't say the name since I don't want to spoil it) die?

The Shield is still the best show on TV, and one of my favorite shows ever. Right up there with M*A*S*H and Married With Children
Scrubs is one of the only current shows I still watch.
I missed the episode last week though. How did (I won't say the name since I don't want to spoil it) die?
THEY KILLED A PERSON. THAT PERSON. I am shocked! They must have realized the season was really bright and tacky. I must view these eps!
Well they encourage all complete cooperation,
Send you roses when they think you need to smile.
I can't control myself because I don't know how,
And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while.

So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff!
Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough.
So give them blood, blood, blood.
Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood!

A celebrated man amongst the gurneys.
They can fix me proper with a bit of luck.
The doctors and the nurses they adore me so,
But it's really quite alarming cause I'm such an awful fuck. (Oh thank you!)

I gave you blood, blood, gallons of the stuff,
I gave you all that you can drink and it has never been enough.
I gave you blood, blood, blood,
I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love.
Not quite a "main" character. The way the show has gone down hill is perfectly caught up in how they dealt where here death. It was shallow and mostly unfunny.