Devin T. is ill

It's one thing for Devin to make some insulting comment as part of his act, but his comment of "This sucks major ass" was not part of his schtick, it was an expression of disgust for the way the fans were reacting to his music at the Pittsburgh show.

I have nothing against the guy. I personally thought the guy gave 100% and respect him for that immensely, but he's got to keep his true hostilities to himself!
i thought you meant ill like..the shiznat

i think DTB got a really good response at the Worcestor MA show....

there were a lot of people at his set who were really psyched to see him...
i noticed quite a few who were only there to see devin and left afterwards...

his show was awesome
we laughed at his jokes...

at the end before he played away, he said @its stupid for me to play an instrumental with SX comin up...@ but it was great!!!

there were layers and layers of echo on his guitar but the sound was deep, broad and awesome!!

it made a fan out of me....

my first DTB experience (even listening) and i bought accelerated evolution as soon as i could