Devin Townsend webmaster bashing SyX

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The whole thing is pretty childish. Everyone knows as long as people have differing opinions, there will be a conflict of personal tastes/interests. However, to fight about it is a waste of time on both sides. First of all, it seems the DTB webmaster has his mind made up about his view of SymX and their fans.... All of us are the same concerning DTB.
That being said, to think that you can alter one's already hard and calloused opinion in such an abrasive manner is quite pointless as it only drives the person further away. But the DTB webmaster needs to look at some rules of life: 1. Not everyone is going to like something, 2. Not everyone is going to treat those situations in a respectable manner, and 3. You shouldn't get upset when stuff like that happens. As long as humans are humans, there will always be someone that is in direct opposition to everything you stand for. And quite honestly, I don't really care if Devin was booed or not. Sure, as an entertainer you don't want to be insulted by those you're there to entertain. Nevertheless... as an entertainer, you are also aware of the fact that some people are just going to hate your show and are going to act childish about it. Last but not least, as a support act, you're gonna get paid whether people like, hate, clap, or boo. To let the whole thing bother you is just not very smart.
Snowmaker said:
That oldlyonfreak asshole pissed me off and I just ripped into him in his own thread. What an arrogant fuck! :hotjump:

I just read your response and that really wasn't cool dude. If you didn't notice, most every other SyX fan there conducted themselves pretty civily. Its not right to just outright insult him like that.
Yngvai X said:
I just read your response and that really wasn't cool dude. If you didn't notice, most every other SyX fan there conducted themselves pretty civily. Its not right to just outright insult him like that.
Well, he really pissed me off. I usually don't do that. Anyway, why are you defending him? He outright insulted ALL of us.
Wow, that thread got out of hand. All I will say is that a webmaster should show a little more restraint.

Oh yeah, snowmaker's comment was pretty funny.

I don't remember the exact wording, but I thought Devin made a questionable comment as he was going off stage at the Farmingdale show. I just remember being like, "whoa, what did he just say?".
I dunno - at first I was there to voice my opinion on DTB's performance, and stated it was kind of repetitive, and i wasnt as impressed as I was of his studio stuff. Oldlyonfreak then turns back - claims how SX is boring musical masturbation, and insults me for voicing my opinion, so I threw it back at him, and so on. I will NOT be outdone. Its my nature - im sorry if I insult anyone, but I voice my opinion, and this guy FLIPS. Oh well - hes french, i'll take it easy on him =)
So what's the purpose of this rally the troops & go over there and prove his point that SymX fans are jerks? C'mon people..
Hey ease up on the french bashing too people :P I'm part french lol.

Yeah I didnt like that thread, and I've no prob with Devins music, I even was dying to see SYL when they were in Sydney back in october (too broke to go :( ) .. i thought bashing syx fans because of a FEW prog snobs - who i dont blame DTB fans for getting their nose out of joint for the way some people have behaved - was very childish and completely uncalled for and I dont believe Devin would approve of it going on seeing as its my understanding that symphony x and devin like each other.
SilentRealm said:
I dont believe Devin would approve of it going on seeing as its my understanding that symphony x and devin like each other.
Yep..I talked to MJR the night of the Colorado Springs show, and he said that they were getting along great with Devin (and trust me, he'd have told me if they weren't..hehe).
Platinum Maze said:
I don't remember the exact wording, but I thought Devin made a questionable comment as he was going off stage at the Farmingdale show. I just remember being like, "whoa, what did he just say?".
I think it was something like "...and if you didn't like us, buy our fucking t-shirt anyway!" And I agree with Jax, flame wars between forums do nothing to negate the way that SX fans are being perceived as intolerant.
Dude, who cares. That guy's a shitbag and doesn't do anything but sit on his ass staring at his computer patrolling that board 24/7.
Well, I imagine most of you do the same...but at least you know SX crushes the DTB.
The Yngster said:
Eh, I don't really find random flaming very funny, besides all that does is feed straight into his arguement
Sorry. I realize the comment wasn't smart, but the thread had already gone to shit at that point.
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