Devy - Deconstruction

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Not all that good, unfortunately. Just not many memorable songs or even parts of songs, which is surprising, but altogether uncharacteristic (Synchestra). I hope Ghost will be better and I'm sure it will be. Whenever Devy writes heavy music for its own sake it's always not as good as his mellower stuff. Still better than most bands but on a hit or miss scale, it's a miss. Just my .02. Patiently awaiting Ghost...
I love it, personally. I was a little confused on the first listen by how dense and obnoxious it is, but after I took some time to try and make sense of the cacophony I found a lot more stuff that I actually enjoyed. I'd go so far as to say it's his most impressive album on vocals.
I love it, personally. I was a little confused on the first listen by how dense and obnoxious it is, but after I took some time to try and make sense of the cacophony I found a lot more stuff that I actually enjoyed. I'd go so far as to say it's his most impressive album on vocals.

Agreed. It's a loud, dense mess in the best way possible.

Album of the year.
Townsend's stuff has always been too thick for my tastes, but I'll be listening just for all the guest parts. He's got a lot of good guest vocalists on the album.
I like how he rehashed a lot of older melodies from the classic albums. I recognized tons of stuff from Infinity and even the Infinity+4 demo (Starchild) just as an example. But, no not album of the year. That goes to Omnium Gatherum, easily. And I don't agree it is near his best vocal performance. That would have to be Infinity, Physicist or Terria. One of those.
I said that for 1. Upon reading I was hoping it would be out today so I can have something to do and go out and buy it, but it ain't out 2. Just picking on your downloaders.
In this day and age, picking on people for pirating music is like picking on drivers for not coming to a full stop at a stop sign.

It's illegal as shit, but most people do it anyways.
Sure it's pretty common. I'm not unaware of that...that's why it's a hot issue nowadays. I'm not picking on people to try and get rid of it, I'm picking on people as a playful joke. Don't be so serious
The metaphor I was making is that it's NOT a hot issue anymore. It just happens and is part of the whole internet experience, just like blowing stop signs is part of the whole driving experience.

If you think I'm "being too serious", well, all I can say is that you're wrong. I won't explain why because it won't matter if you don't believe me :)

My comment wasn't meant to be personal but if you took it that way, I am sorry. For you.
alright, alright... :: white flag :: if that. But I will clarify what I said about it being a hot issue...I said that because all the time I see band members (on Blabbermouth or Smnews) that have problems with illegal downloading...or they at least say that it's helping kill music. alot more would speak out if people weren't so ready to judge them, too. (not saying you're judging them) There are so many arguments some people say that labels would have more money to record albums if they didn't pocket so much of the money. but I don't know too much about that because I haven't been in a band to engage the music industry to see how bad it is.
This album is a lot to take in at first listen, but it really sinks in well after it becomes more familiar. I like this album very much, and the guest appearances on this album are fun. I'll definitely be buying this album when it comes out, so me downloading it doesn't change anything. Probably album of year, but we'll see.
alright, alright... :: white flag :: if that. But I will clarify what I said about it being a hot issue...I said that because all the time I see band members (on Blabbermouth or Smnews) that have problems with illegal downloading...or they at least say that it's helping kill music. alot more would speak out if people weren't so ready to judge them, too. (not saying you're judging them) There are so many arguments some people say that labels would have more money to record albums if they didn't pocket so much of the money. but I don't know too much about that because I haven't been in a band to engage the music industry to see how bad it is.
Band members have complained about it since MP3s were invented, they've all got opinions about it, most of which are valid. But other musicians have learned to adapt to the way the scope of the industry is changing. Pirating is forcing change in the way the entire industry works and they entire way people get their music out to the world. Artists are learning how to cut out the middle man (the label) and still be successful.

This is what I want to see more of. Produce amazing music, give it away for free and if it's legitimately good, it will spread and then you can profit from merchandise, tours, hell maybe even produce some actual hard copies of your albums and core fans will buy those, too. When this ideology completely takes over, the music industry will be full of real artists that make real music and care enough to work that hard for it. They'll still make money from tours and merchandise and basically be self-sustaining entities.

In a perfect world, this would eliminate all the shit music out there that gets so popular because dumb, lazy people (the majority) don't know any better, or care to find out... but it probably wouldn't.
for what it's worth, as it pertains to the topic at hand, Devin always says that he doesn't mind if people download his music.

I'll be buying all four DTP albums (plus a bunch of bonus material) in the box set that's coming out later this year, anyway, so I don't feel like TOO big of an asshole for torrenting this :p