Devy - Deconstruction

Would you like me to respond to that as well? Be happy only Kevin did so. My response would have been a lot less gentle.

Fine. On with it. Det Som is an alter ego. Some times he's John, some times he isn't. I'll respond as sober John. Lay it on me. I'm not quite as ignorant as I feign to be. I did get Post-College in every subject except math in the College placement test.

You aren't capable of scratching my feelings, Stormo. I'm hardened. I know more about recording, the industry, and everything on the subject of making music than you do. Including how to record and play instruments. So, try me. I respect you. It will be friendly debate. Let's go.
stupid sexy flanders

and what john, he's not out to scratch your feelings so instead of just answering with how hard you are, just leave it at a "yes please do" instead of paragraphs on why it won't affect you and how you are in fact not you. also how you compare your feelings to your knowledge about your knowledge about the music industry.

also ITT music industry is equalled to religion as another thing that needs to die when both are a necessary evil and will probably exist for a while on anyways while the world slowly is secularised/globalised/INTERNETS
Fine. On with it. Det Som is an alter ego. Some times he's John, some times he isn't.
He always is. Unless you're a full-blown troll, your behaviour always reflects who you are, even if you're posting as your internet alter ego, a concept which, in itself, I find rather ridiculous, being 'someone else on the internet'. Nobody likes me here, but at least I'm being myself. Seems like you consider an internet screenname as a venue for showing the worst there is of yourself, and that's too bad, I prefer to see the best, or at least the most honest, side of people.

I'm not quite as ignorant as I feign to be. I did get Post-College in every subject except math in the College placement test. I know more about recording, the industry, and everything on the subject of making music than you do. Including how to record and play instruments.
Sure thing, buddy.

You aren't capable of scratching my feelings, Stormo. I'm hardened. So, try me. I respect you. It will be friendly debate. Let's go.
It won't be a debate because there's nothing to debate. You're dead-set on projecting this kung fu master tough guy attitude to the board, and the more you try, the more it draws attention to your insecurity. Nothing to debate about that. You can say you don't believe me but that won't make it any less true.
Fine, but don't hold back on me for the sake of being "gentle". And if you think I'm full of shit, I'll scan the post college in every subject placement test. Not that it matters, I'm just a bit dissapointed you thought that was bullshit. I'm a lot of terrible things, a liar isn't one of them.

But is isn't the thread for it. If you have something to say to me, send me a message, stop beating around the bush with it.
Fine, but don't hold back on me for the sake of being "gentle". And if you think I'm full of shit, I'll scan the post college in every subject placement test. Not that it matters, I'm just a bit dissapointed you thought that was bullshit. I'm a lot of terrible things, a liar isn't one of them.
You're not a liar, but you make statements without knowing what you're talking about for the sake of giving yourself an image. And believe me, we're all gentle to you because we feel we have to be. Very often. Far more often than you know.

But is isn't the thread for it. If you have something to say to me, send me a message, stop beating around the bush with it.
You mean "beating a dead horse"? You asked for a debate, and I told you there was nothing to discuss. And I'm not going to send you a message. I don't care about you, I only care about persons X, Y and Z, and you're not one of them, so there!