God damned Dream Theater

Kevin Moore's replacement (Derek Sherinian), has also been replaced by Jordan Rudess (on the last 2 discs). Anyway, I find their newer stuff to be more song-like and have more depth than their early work, and the musicians have improved on each release. What I don't get is people praising Nevermore for PoE because of it's technicality and hating Dream Theater for the exact same reason. If you just don't like it, then just don't like it, but lame reasons like "they're just showing off" have no merit. Most bands are showing off, if they have the chops to do it. I expect them to show off. I don't like the really basic crap, that's what nu-metal fans like. If you think Dream Theater are showing off, go listen to some Spiral Architect, Cynic, or Spastic Ink to see what showing off really sounds like (both of which bands are excellent, and should blow your mind). I think the real reason most (not all) people don't like Dream Theater is that they're a relatively successful band. Metal fans have this idea that once a band can support themselves on their music, they must not be a good band any more, and frankly it sickens me. I'm not saying anyone who replied here feels that way, but I see it a lot.

Oh, and cutting those 2 parts wouldn't make it fit one one CD, they'd have to cut almost 10 minutes to fit on one CD.

All right, enough ranting, I need to go wake up now.
Originally posted by Infinite Reach
@markgugs: why isn't Opeth progmetal?

It's just my own nitpicky way of classing bands...sure, they're extremely progressive, but they're more a black/melodic death mixture band to me, who happens to write extremely progressive music. Death was incredibly progressive too, and they're not normally considered a progmetal band.

To me, progmetal is defined by bands like PoS or Dream Theatre, but again, that's just me.
jimbobhickville - I have a mess of 99 minute cd's that I bought from comp usa (actually they only fit like 95 or so minutes) so I have done it......meaning, that if they sell recordable cd's that are "99" minutes, then they can do it for a dream theater album. Got to agree about every thing you said though! Never did understand people praising PoE for it's technicality and then shunning DT for it......oh well........I like what I like and if anybody doesn't.....that's all fine and dandy!
99 minute CDs are only supported by a handful of players, and they are only available in lower grade, non-commercial quality. They would never be used by the music industry. They usually don't even go to 80 minute discs, generally just 74. There's only a few albums over 74 minutes, which are mostly Dream Theater discs (several are 75-78 minutes total). 6DOIT is almost 90 minutes total, so to get under 80, the largest format supported by most cd players (as I said, some will do 99, but not very many) they'd have to take out 10 minutes or so.