Devy - Deconstruction

Nothing wrong with that, but come on man, there's gotta be a line somewhere. I mean, this is some pretty insignificant shit in the grand scheme that you're getting ultra real about, would you not agree?
Nothing wrong with that, but come on man, there's gotta be a line somewhere. I mean, this is some pretty insignificant shit in the grand scheme that you're getting ultra real about, would you not agree?
Maybe. It's not like I'm sitting here fuming and gnashing my teeth though. I just started typing and found there was a lot to type. I mean, I'm not getting 'ultra real' because I feel personally duty-bound to type all that, or because I feel truly personally affected, but I just have a lot to say in response to John's post. It's a serious post, yeah, but not one I've made because I'm taking this all to a personal level. I just needed a lot of words to say what I thought :)

aaaaand how about a 3rd post, just for my buddy Stormo cuz i know he loves them so
Shitbitch :p
Maybe. It's not like I'm sitting here fuming and gnashing my teeth though. I just started typing and found there was a lot to type. I mean, I'm not getting 'ultra real' because I feel personally duty-bound to type all that, or because I feel truly personally affected, but I just have a lot to say in response to John's post. It's a serious post, yeah, but not one I've made because I'm taking this all to a personal level. I just needed a lot of words to say what I thought :)
Makes sense.... but I just don't think that personally, I could make it through all the time it would take to format and type all that before I just asked myself why I'm even bothering :lol:
Makes sense.... but I just don't think that personally, I could make it through all the time it would take to format and type all that before I just asked myself why I'm even bothering :lol:
Inorite? I don't know, I intended to write a few short answers but one thing led to another, I guess. And to be entirely honest, I don't mind investing some time in a post if I think it's something that needs to be said.

At any rate, John, to be entirely honest, I hope my post hits you like a fucking sledgehammer. Not because I want you to feel bad, but I want you to finally realize a few of the reasons people around you make you unhappy. I'm a bit hard on you in that post, but it's because it's the only way I can think of to make you stop and think about what you're doing and how you're acting. You're free to do as you will, of course, you can keep calling me a petty name-caller, but I personally think you'd do yourself a much bigger favour by thoroughly reading my post and wondering in what places I might actually be right.
Stormo, you left out parts of my comments to make them suite yours better. Such as Cara, Derick, Will, and Karen. You know you did. But I see your point.

But made some good points but it was not the music industry that made it possible. I don't want to argue anymore. I actually care what you think, too.
Stormo, you left out parts of my comments to make them suite yours better. Such as Cara, Derick, Will, and Karen.
Would you like me to respond to that as well? Be happy only Kevin did so. My response would have been a lot less gentle.

But made some good points but it was not the music industry that made it possible. I don't want to argue anymore.
Suit yourself.
They do it themselves. That's kinda what I am saying... the people that really believe in their music find ways to get things done. I know a lot of people that work solely to survive and finance their musical aspirations and nothing else. These are the kinds of musicians the industry needs more of... not musicians that are willing to bend to the demands of the people that finance their hobby.

I know this is a huge pipe dream, but I think it'd be awesome :D

also, back on topic: I haven't heard this album yet, but it's Devin! Of course it's going to be awesome.

^ That's always how I've felt. Well said. I hope the music industry collapses.

Yeah let's go back to garage bands recording songs with a fucking cassette player.

Don't mind him. He's probably drunk again.

Actually I'm sober, and digital recording has made everything cheap as hell. Like Kevin said, the people who care about their music will find a way to get it out.

Not everything needs Sneap sauce poured all over it.

I'm glad you made that point about good recordings being cheap these days, John. It's totally true. Any musician that gives even a tiny bit of a fuck can produce something that sounds presentable for ultracheap or free these days. Not really sure what Stormo was getting at with that comment.

What I was 'getting at' is that while the music industry is doubtless made up of money-grabbing whores these days, music as it is now would not have been possible without labels who signed young bands because they thought they had promise. Sure, recording music by yourself is possible these days, but that's only because the music industry made it possible. And while the music industry is definitely headed by money whores, there's many hardworking men and women on the 'foot soldier'-level who'd be out of a job without the industry.

To be sure, I disapprove of the fact that everything, including the music industry, revolves around cash these days, but making halfwit comments like, "I hope the music industry collapses" does not serve to give you any sort of credibility, John, it just makes you look like a slogan-spewing parrot who can't look beyond the length of his nose and just shouts oneliners to make an impression.

Same as with your facepalmworthy "I'm not forcing my atheist views on people but let's kill all non-atheists"-statement. Making those unfounded radical statements does not make you look cool, John. I don't mind radical thinking or speaking, but it has to be sane and founded, not a demagogic exaggerated oneliner.

I respect you, but hear me.

I don't say ANYTHING to "look cool". I say it because I say how I feel. You were in the wrong back there about the music industry statement, I admit when I'm wrong, it's your turn to do the same. The music industry made it possible? No, technology made it possible. We don't need the music industry anymore, let it fall, so people who care enough about their own music find their own way to put it out. It's very possible in this age, and as Kevin said, doesn't cost much.

The atheist statement was how I felt. I don't care what ANYONE on this board thinks of me, except my friends in Dallas, Karen, and Will. That is why I say what I say, not to look cool, but thats how I feel, and if you disagree, how about doing it respectfully for once other than "He's probably drunk again, lol". Because I've been nothing but respectful when I make a radical remark, even cutting my own self down and admitting I'm ignorant and uneducated.

Fact is, I'm humble when I state my opinions. You might try it, one day. Instead of petty personal attacks.

I was the one who said the drunk comment. Not El Stormo, but keep going. This is fun.

I know you were. I was talking to you in that statement.

You and Stormo are both awesome guys in my book. But if he wants an argument, he's got one. Because I promise I know more about digital recording than both of you. And Kevin knows more about it than all of us.

Oh, well it was all in jest. Don't be so serious man.

John, I don't know fucking anything about digital recording. You gotta work on getting your facts and thoughts straight before you blurt them out.

Also, it's sort of weird to say you think some people are "awesome guys" or whatever but then proceed to make an actual list of names of the only people you really consider friends.

Here I go, grab the pop corn internet-argument-lovers!

Maybe you feel the same way you talk, but the way in which you make your statements (blanket, without nuance or mitigation) makes you appear very eager to profile yourself as a hard-ass radical.

Excuse me, what? So, you think that just by saying "UR WRONG", you've proven me as such? You tell me to admit when I'm wrong when the only argument you have is, "you were wrong back there"? Or is your argument the feeble case you make below?

And who fueled this technology, you think? Who made this technology possible? Not just scientists, but also musicians, sound engineers, producers, everyone involved in making, recording, and distributing music. Not to mention the fact that the music industry was, both financially and motivationally, the impetus behind a lot of the technology being developed.

In these days, maybe yes. But again, it would not have been possible without a music industry. And again, your wish to see the music industry burn would lead to many good people being put out of a job, and a lot of musical creativity stifled due to financial restrictions, or do you forget, John, that not every musician lives in a fucking first world country where all he has to do is cash his paycheck and head over to the store to buy that new Marshall amp in the window?

Oh, I'm sure it was. But the way you stated your feelings, completely exaggerated, illogical and inconsistent, the way you kept contradicting yourself, the way you used blanket statements and presented them as fact without any arguments supporting them, makes you look like a blowhard. Reason I'm pointing that out to you is not to kick you in the shins, but because you're better than that, so start acting like it. You're not stupid, John, so don't make posts that make you appear so.

Yes you do. You wouldn't be here if you didn't, and you certainly wouldn't have responded to my off-hand remark if you didn't. Again, you're trying to give yourself an air of lone kung fu master, but you need to realize that there's nothing wrong or weak about caring what people think of you. Caring and not admitting it, that, buddy, is weakness.

The "drunk again"-comment was not mine. I've been respectful to you in every way (except maybe the expletive in my garage band post, but come on). You may not like what I say, you may feel insulted by what I say, you may feel that it's not my place to say what I think about you saying what you think, but I've never called you names, or belittled you as a person. I'm dismissive towards what you do, yes, but not what you are. Note that every time, I specifically state that your behaviour makes you look like a negative type of person. I say that specifically because you aren't those types of person, and you shouldn't insult yourself by acting like them.

Now here I'm taking offence. I've often been gentle with you because you don't always realize the weight of what you say, but the hypocrisy of that statement just made me lose a lot of respect for you.

I find stating that all religious people should be killed anything but respectful, even though it does not apply to me. Or did you think disrespect only existed when you said it in someone's face? Did you think that just because you talk tough about whole groups of people behind their backs instead of to their faces means you're not disrespectful? Did you think we'd all cheer and call you a visionary because we're atheists like you? I'm not an atheist, by the way, I'm agnostic, so in your Endlösung for religious people, would I just be put to slave labour, or what? See what I mean? You call yourself respectful, but you're anything but.

Humble? By decreeing that you'd destroy the majority of people given the chance? By flat out stating that for you, an entire industry should be brought down, putting tons of people out of a job? Humble? You've either got a lot of nerve, or too little vision to be able to call yourself that.

Can slice the tension with a knife. Yummy.

holy shit....

Yeah, I know, lol @ people taking things seriously on the internets and all that.

Nothing wrong with that, but come on man, there's gotta be a line somewhere. I mean, this is some pretty insignificant shit in the grand scheme that you're getting ultra real about, would you not agree?

Also, I love the irony of this thread turning into the name of the album it's about :lol:

aaaaand how about a 3rd post, just for my buddy Stormo cuz i know he loves them so :D

Maybe. It's not like I'm sitting here fuming and gnashing my teeth though. I just started typing and found there was a lot to type. I mean, I'm not getting 'ultra real' because I feel personally duty-bound to type all that, or because I feel truly personally affected, but I just have a lot to say in response to John's post. It's a serious post, yeah, but not one I've made because I'm taking this all to a personal level. I just needed a lot of words to say what I thought :)

Shitbitch :p

In this case, stormomomomo pretty much articulated everything I was too lazy to type.

Makes sense.... but I just don't think that personally, I could make it through all the time it would take to format and type all that before I just asked myself why I'm even bothering :lol:

Inorite? I don't know, I intended to write a few short answers but one thing led to another, I guess. And to be entirely honest, I don't mind investing some time in a post if I think it's something that needs to be said.

At any rate, John, to be entirely honest, I hope my post hits you like a fucking sledgehammer. Not because I want you to feel bad, but I want you to finally realize a few of the reasons people around you make you unhappy. I'm a bit hard on you in that post, but it's because it's the only way I can think of to make you stop and think about what you're doing and how you're acting. You're free to do as you will, of course, you can keep calling me a petty name-caller, but I personally think you'd do yourself a much bigger favour by thoroughly reading my post and wondering in what places I might actually be right.

You guys.

Jeebus Kriss! This is obviously the good old Nevermore forum... STAPWHINING!

As for Deconstruction. I've listened to it a few times and find it pretty amazing. It reminds my a bit of Ziltoid because it's so eclectic and humorous. Some of it is a bit chaotic and takes time to digest, but perhaps it's just undigestable as it's chaotic by nature. Anyway, great production, layers and mix of most of his stuff. Great melodies and riffs. An overblown rollercoaster.

I will see Dev twice this year. Seen him in England and will go to Tuska in Finland.
Since my opinion isnt really different, I'll add that Sumeria is another great track. Heavy riffs, epic vocal melody that has cool variations throughout the song, and the guest vocals on the track couldn't fit any better. I love this album.