Dez wanted to changed.

Xalon Niles

Metal/Super Sentai Fan
Dec 22, 2001
Parts unknown.
DevilDriver" is the name witches give to the bells they use to drive away evil when casting their spells. I think it fits the people hate Dez's new band because they like Coal Chamber. Nu-Metal to me is trying to be homings or something. Dez does write that stuff at all. His lyrics are similar to old Slayer.

Some people are calling Devildriver Nu-Metal because of Dez's background but yet people are loving Superjoint Ritual and the Nu-Metallica. I glad Dez is being himself and bandmates that are like brothers to him because the other 3 Coal Chamber members were going against Dez's darker sound. I think Devildriver fits in with Opeth/Moonspell tour.

There was fans who hated the idea of Opeth doing a beautiful and dark cd like Damnation until they heard it for themselves and like the cd.
Superjoint sucks...Its that kind of mediocre bullshit that makes american metal bands look so bad. Pantera was pretty good thx to Dime but Phil is just a wannabe posterboy for metal now. I never thought he was a good vocalist anyway and I think his new band is as average as metal can be. Nothing creative. Nothing new. Coal Chamber was a horrible band and I don't think that he can all of a sudden be gifted with songwriting and summon up the kinda energy to stand on the same stage with one of our standard death metal bands.
The grammar in that post is atrocious.. I can't understand what the hell you're trying to say. I'm thinking, however, that it's going along the general jist of 'give DevilDriver a fair go' right?

If that's the case, I have to say, if anyone on here actually likes Superjoint Ritual or St. Anger era Metallica then I am truly stricken, disillusioned and disappointed with Opeth fans.

Old Slayer lyrics suck. No, actually all Slayer lyrics suck, so you're not exactly doing much to prove his ingenuity here.

There was also fans who hated the idea of Opeth doing a beautiful dark mellow album, who hated it even more after hearing the final product. So your point is?

I don't actively mean to be an asshole here, but you really are just wasting your time. There isn't anything that could be SAID to make alot of people here believe that DevilDriver are in the least bit worthy of playing alongside Opeth. Not in the least bit.
I'll just be honest and say what I read about 4-5 years ago in some magazine. It was Dez talking about the Pantera tour they had been on and phil's musical taste. Phil had introduced him to black metal from what I remember. Dark Throne, Emperor, Celtic Frost, Venom, know the basics at that time at least. Well anyway, he went on to say how he enjoyed it and was amazed at the levels on intensity those bands performed at. And that was pretty much it to tell you the truth and the interview ended. So I agree he might be trying to change for the better but I just don't think he has the talent or time to do so. Sorry Dez, your a couldabeen hasbeen pal. Deal with it and quit before you get more tatted up and look like a total fuckin tard when your 50. With no stories to tell the kids...well one maybe..." I got to tour with the OPETH...goodnight kids."
Moonlapse said:
If that's the case, I have to say, if anyone on here actually likes Superjoint Ritual or St. Anger era Metallica then I am truly stricken, disillusioned and disappointed with Opeth fans.
I didn't think St. Anger was as bad as everybody made it out to be. Surely not the best thing in the world, but there's MUCH worse out there.
Niles Darquetona said:
DevilDriver" is the name witches give to the bells they use to drive away evil when casting their spells. I think it fits the people hate Dez's new band because they like Coal Chamber. Nu-Metal to me is trying to be homings or something. Dez does write that stuff at all. His lyrics are similar to old Slayer.

Some people are calling Devildriver Nu-Metal because of Dez's background but yet people are loving Superjoint Ritual and the Nu-Metallica. I glad Dez is being himself and bandmates that are like brothers to him because the other 3 Coal Chamber members were going against Dez's darker sound. I think Devildriver fits in with Opeth/Moonspell tour.

There was fans who hated the idea of Opeth doing a beautiful and dark cd like Damnation until they heard it for themselves and like the cd.
First of all...what? Second of all...what? I hope your not trying to compare Devildriver to Opeth...please say it ain't so. But then again everyone has there own tastes, likes and dislikes. And who the hell likes "Nu-Metallica". St. Anger was a slap in the face of all their fans. "But their songs are longer and heavier." Yes, but anyone can play the same riff for 7 min. and call it a song. Pure money grubbing crap. Tallica died after the black album...good riddiance.
Moonlapse said:
It may have been a stupid one, Sunlapse, but at the very least it was completely honest.
being honest doesn't make it any less retarded.

Im starting to feel pretty disappointed in metalheads in general.... it seemed as though many here have generally open minds due to the wide range of music and the complexity and difficulty of metal in general.... but I'm realizing that metalheads are some of the most closed minded people that listen to music. It just gets worse and worse on these boards.
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It just gets worse and worse on these boards.

WHAT?! Have you been to the Disgruntled Metalheads Forum?! EVERYONE despises EVERYTHING there. If someone is so bold to post a thread with information or questions on any band, twenty members will flood it and post about how much the band sucks. The only bands that are praised are the member's own personal picks of bands so obscure, they haven't even heard of themselves.

Everyone hates Opeth at that place, too. EVERYONE.

Any band with any commercial success whatsoever is the constant subject of hate. No one ever has anything positive to say about a band there -- someone's post consists of "that band royally sucks, get a taste in music" followed with a list of bands you can't find anywhere that you should listen to instead... it's sickening and caused me to resent metalheads for a long time. I couldn't believe how close-minded this particular group of music listeners could be...

At least you can still hold a decent conversation at this board about a band and only have to put up with one or two elitists trolling the thread give or take, and after you've been to the DMF you really come to appreciate that. This board is a VAST improvement over virtually every metal forum I've visited.
:sigh:..... in order to explain what I mean, id have to get into a huge conversation about my views on music and people in general, and I am certainly not up for that, so I'll tell you what i mean in a nutshell....

being on these boards has really opened my mind as a simple metal liking person to someone who respects music and opinions in general, without bias, generalizations, assumptions, etc.... metal is growing in popularity.... and I am seeing more and more people on the boards at UM that are closed minded, biased, elitist, etc, towards more popular/mainstream stuff in general, and im not just talking about "nu-metal" etc.... im becoming more and more open minded, and the amount of closed minded people just keep on growing here at UM. Theres so much more to it, Ive come up with my own little philosophy on music in general, but putting it all to words would take way to big a chunk of time and brain power.

and for the record, i have officially retired the term "nu-metal" as useless and pointless ever since someone said Bleak sounded like nu-metal. it has been foolishly applied to many different metal bands, that it no longer has a musical meaning, it is only used as an insult to a band nowadays. if someone says something is "nu-metalish" i won't think a thing of it. DT has been accused of adding some nu-metal on ToT, but if adding nu-metal means getting rid of the cheesiness and prog cliches and making an excellent epic heavy metal album, then I am all for the addition of this so called "nu-metal".
Metal in general definately isn't complex and technical music. I don't know where that impression came from, but straight up metal is quite easy to play, just like most Opeth is. It's the composition in Opeth's music that's the real gem... alot of simple ideas used to make a grander one, which is what's so good about them.

Superjoint and Metallica are just this simple idea, with nothing else in there. Metallica may have had their day, but it's well over now, and even they realize it, because on their tour here they're only playing old stuff, not even ONE song from St Anger.

Anyway, it's great to see that your honesty will get you flamed on here these days :p. Since this is such an OPEN-MINDED place.