DFH2 test, need some help.

Paul Steen

Jan 17, 2006
The Netherlands
Like I promised, my first clip overhere!
Just like the title says, it's a DFH2 test.
I'm new to this shit so I still have to learn a lot.
I made a short tune which I want to sound as good as possible.
Mixed on my hifi monitors so I'm curious what it will sound like on some top of the line monitors.
What should I improve on my drums?
All suggestions welcome!!

Thanx, Mendel! Fryslân boppe, :D !
I guess you're right. I left the kick dry not wanting things to get muddy but keeping it tight. I will try some reverb (little bit) on the kicks, see how that turns out. Actually I didn't use much reverb at all. Only on the snaretop.

Keep 'em coming guys!
i wouldn't use any reverb on the kick, it should be focused, and i think it could have more low end too...
The snare is very nice, although could have some more attack maybe... or maybe not))
overall the sound is a bit too bright i think... would be interesting to hear this with all the instruments in place :)
Guys, thanks so far for the comments. I will give your suggestions a shot and hopefully benefit from it.
However what I would specifically like to know is how the drumkit is mixed overall. Besides the snare missing some attack maybe, is it mixed properly?
Aren't the cymbals too loud?
none of this matters because it all can and will change once you add other instruments....