dfhs and cubase sx3 problems


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Well i got a midi track and when i try and play all the way through with dfhs it gets about 2/3 the way through and then the drums just fumble and everything falls apart. The drums just start stuttering and only hitting like a kick and stuff like every once in a while its weired. The midi track is fine but I'm just lost on why this is happening. Anyone else share any similar problems with dfhs or cubase?
Yea im gonna have to check that out when i switch pc's. I have a gig and 1/2 of ram and i tried making the drum kit only use like 400mb and it still did it and its always in the same spot of the song. The midi file was made in a program called tabit and i had to like make a drum map so all the midi notes used work in dfh superior but the midi file is fine, and i can get to play the part were it messes up fine if i start like 1/2 way through the song and start from there. But If i start song from the begining though it messes up when it gets to that part which is about 2/3 the way through.

Im pretty lost though.....
Yeah, low RAM.

If I have too many plugins on other channels with DFHS running at the same time, even with TPC and 16-bit enabled, it does the same thing, and that's with a Mac and 2gigs of RAM.

Just write with raw drums, bounce it, and mix later.
I tried to do like just toms and that was like 100mb or whatever and still had the problem and i only loaded toms. Im running no other plugs or anything either... I also tried just kick drum and it did the same thing and that was like 30mb. Still think its ram thing??

Also a little lost on when you said just raw drums and bounce?
Don't put any plugins on the project until you're done programming drums - then bounce from DFHS and import back in, and mix from there.

Could be ASIO driver - what's your buffer setting at?