DFHS rtas?


Bottom chugger
Dec 6, 2005
Hey chaps - the death of dfhs...jokes

I've been testing the public beta version of the rtas for pro tools 7 and have only had slight graphics issues - what have any of you who have had access to the beta test found or thought of it. I think it works great and is far far better than having to use rewire, especially on system usage.

What about you guys?
Genius Gone Insane said:
All I know is DKFH2 + PT = disaster

HAHAHAHA completely agree. Until someone can prove to me otherwise, I'm stuck with BFD. It may not sound anywhere near as good for metal, but it's rock solid.
Well dudes - the rtas plug in I've been using is tiny footprintwise as opposed to the rewire version you've had to use in the past - you do need pro tools 7.x but other than that it's great. Not sure when it's coming out but they dont plan anymore tests so I would say within two months. And it will be less of a drain on your system than BFD is although I need to work out why things are sounding smaller when I put in the close mics but i guess they were recorded with the idea of spot mics first and oh/room mics as an after thought.