
Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Can anyone give me some tips on getting some nice sounding toms from dfhs, i've got an awesome kick/snare sound, but the toms always sound weird to me, usually sounding too thin, anyone tell me what they do to their toms from dfhs?
ideally i'm looking for the kind of tom sound on the last 3 Arch Enemy albums, ie an Andy Sneap type tom sound :loco: i'm getting near the kick/snare sound of his, it's just the toms i can't seem to nail.
Phew.. the toms on DFHS suxorz the big one in my opinion.. just not firm enough.. i have the same problem not getting them to sound proper like i want them to..
For example, any toms from any pantera album will do just fine.. them toms sound huge!

Anyway, here is my approach on the toms:

- Tom settings on every tom - http://s53.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=34LPHE6MD8X6803TL04NQ32P70 -

- Toms group settings - http://s53.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2ZQXE8OG1BJAE09QHCRLKDDVFX -

Try these and some compression yourself.. or EQ.. maybe it will help..
Here's what i have currently with part of impossible brutality by kreator, ignore the bass tone (VST Instrument), and sorry no guitar till i get my new soundcard, the bass is just there to make it more like a real mix, i've just removed reverb from the actual toms and put it onto the oh channel instead and it seems to sound a little better to my ears than it did. Also for some reason the mastering reverb adds this highish pitched noise to the kick that i don't like, but i like the mastering verb on all the rest of the mix. Any constructive criticism?

Yeah.. they are the same.. the settings on bluetubes are probably the same as well, just done with the blue tubes compressor for a better sound.. if you want, and this is probably better, you could replace them another good solid EQ plugin like waves's EQ for example..

Just telling you my approach for what it does on my stuff, it's the best i can get so far..
Tah! no opinion on my drums? :( i realise the bass guitar is too loud, ahh fuck i hate my headphones............sounds great on my headphones, sounds shit on my stereo, i give up...........:( I think i should stick to drinking vodka, at least i can do that ok :loco:
It's hard to give you an advice without the whole package anyway. Toms may sound like shit when heard alone then be great once you put the guitars on.
Don't try to make them huge without listening to the other instruments at the same time. When soloed, just try to get rid of the overtones by sweeping a narrow Q. Reduce the decay with the enveloppe settings to taste. When done listen to them in the whole mix. You'll probably need to raise some high mid frequencies, to make them cut trough, maybe cut some mid/low mid frequencies, add some comp, nothing fancy.
Don't rely too much on other people settings. They work in other people mixes with other people instruments, every mix are different. You need to focus on the big picture.
I don't find your toms to be horrible but you surely can improve the programming.
Everything sounds very mechanical, Kicks, snare... The snare need abit of snare :) imo.
The cymbals are tiny... But the toms seems ok but once again It's hard to tell without the guitars...
cobhc-so cool sound!
I like it! But imho the snare too loud to me and all mix a bit compressed (?)

At all very goody realistic sound!