Has anyone succesfully done a uber blastbeat death metal song with DFHS yet?

Jun 2, 2005
Been fooling with DFHS for quite a while now, still think it's a kickass piece of software..

But everytime i try to cry a crazy death metal song like hate eternal, suffocation, cryptopsy, etc.. i fail hard! :mad:
Reason being, i can't get the snare and kick to sound as natural as i want to be in a death metal blastbeat part.. it sounds.. fake...
Offcourse, i tried wrestling with velocities and volume.. but i can't get it to sound right at all..

Then i was thinking, i have never really heard anyone doing a solid yet perfectly sounding blastbeat part with DFHS... can anyone prove me wrong here? or is it simply something that can't be done with DFHS?
Metalhead28 said:
I did this with DFHS a while back. It's just a little track that me and some friends did for fun.
I think it sounds pretty convinving, however I've since gotten a more realistic snare after I decided to keep the velocity lower during the blasts. I think some of the velocities are too high on this track.

This sounds really good. Very impressive. :headbang:
nice one metalhead.. that actually sounds pretty damn good, nice fills, and the blastbeats sound good as well...

Is it all DFHS? that kick has to be a sample am i right?

evil stuff indeed!
Hehehe.... I've played some of my quick stuff for (non-Death Metal listeners) and then played 'real' drummers. And I'd say 9 out of 10 listeners couldn't tell the difference. I didn't say 9 out of 10 drummers/musicians couldn't, 9 out of 10 listeners.
At the end of the day, your making music you like and want to get fans. If you spend your time trying to make music to please/convert non speed metal musicians into liking your style, you could end up running in circles. Many new Death Metal listeners thought George Kollias and John Longstreth were drum machines, until I showed them video-footage of the guys playing it 'live'. And many thought the Kataklysm C.D. 'Serenity In Fire' was done with a drum machine!
Here's a few D.F.H.S. speed metal tunes 1 / 2
Kenny... in clip "2" that PISHY tight china is way over the top...

good programming though!

At the level that those rad ass black metal cats play at, especially NILE, one would have to think it was a machine. Mucho mucho respecto to the drummers of that genre!!
Black neon bob said:
nice one metalhead.. that actually sounds pretty damn good, nice fills, and the blastbeats sound good as well...

Is it all DFHS? that kick has to be a sample am i right?

evil stuff indeed!


Actually, I forgot...I did layer a sample over that kick. It's mixed about 50/50 with the DFHS kick.

Good ear :)
Metalhead28 said:
I did this with DFHS a while back. It's just a little track that me and some friends did for fun.
I think it sounds pretty convinving, however I've since gotten a more realistic snare after I decided to keep the velocity lower during the blasts. I think some of the velocities are too high on this track.


yeah, blastbeats sound pretty good to me actually, but i'm not famililar with the software.

"i can't get the snare and kick to sound as natural as i want to be in a death metal blastbeat part.. it sounds.. fake...
Offcourse, i tried wrestling with velocities and volume.. but i can't get it to sound right at all.."

Do you mean the "normal" blastbeats or the double blastbeats cryptopsy nowadays plays, can image if you have trouble with the ordinary one you'll definitly have problems with the double
I do mean the crazy over the top blasbeats Bob... exactly like cryptopsy and hate eternal..
those blasts sound pretty realistic to me, and i have seen Derek Roddy drumming the fast stuff like it's nothing.. that's what im going for...
You're all talking about volume and velocity, but what about timing?

It's IMO probably the most important thing to give a natural feel to programmed drums... Cause when you use triggers on some drummer and reduce the dynamics by using only very few samples, you can still tell that it was played by a human. The little "mistakes" that even the most perfect drummer does are the key to humanize the drum midis... Try comparing the real drummer hits played by metronome to the grid and you'll see that (s)he's always a little bit early or late compared to the line...

I reckon some kind of readymade groove should be slapped onto quantized data, or maybe programming without quantization could help.
MetalHead28 - care to share the midi/dfhs files for those fills and beats? I can't do death metal style fills to save my life. :) Nice song btw, sounds really badass.

To BnB...I have yet to hear a bunch of blast beats like Cryptopsy done with DFHS and sound natural....but I've heard the regular 'ol blast beats like Hate Eternal does, etc. done fine. Like the ones in MetalHead's song.

006 said:
MetalHead28 - care to share the midi/dfhs files for those fills and beats? I can't do death metal style fills to save my life. :) Nice song btw, sounds really badass.

Thanks man. I don't mind sharing the MIDI and DFH files, I'll have to bring them in to work with me tomorrow.
Awesome! I can't wait to check out the anatomy of those fills. I really appreciate it man, fo sho.
