Diablo III

i remember a couple of years ago there was a trailer for the game which made people sign a petition because the game lost it's "gothic" and dark graphics.

and i know the game had been completely re-designed at least once throughout it's development.

does any of you know it happened because of the petition? or if happened AFTER the petition was made at all?
Nah, the petition came after the first screenies & gameplay trailer came out. Everyone was pissed off that it started to look like World of Warcraft. It hasn't changed since - that cartoony look is the one they kept for the final game.
Oh ok. I think it looks awesome! It's definitely different looking than DII, but that doesn't turn me off from the game at all, I've been waiting for this far to long! :)
Apparently the EU is in as well, but they have clarified that there will be a number of small waves so they can keep things stable and fix issues quickly.

WTF?! I didn't know that there was going to be an open beta!
Soooo excited right now. :hotjump:
Are there any informations on when the open beta will start today?
What is 21:00 CEST in GMT+1 (Germany)?
Or just tell me how many hours I stell need to wait. :lol:

Edit: Found out that CEST is the same as GMT+1.
--> 6 hours left. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I was able to connect 30mins ago but now they capped the limit of players allowed on the servers....
--> Error 37
The time I could play I had horrible lag.