So, I'm quite confident in my ability to dial in a good metal rhythm tone (less confident in my ability to mic it up like Andy
), but when it comes to lead tones, I feel as though I'm not quite as sure what I'm doing. I'll admit that I haven't spent a huge amount of time testing different settings, but are there any general amp setting philosophies that tend to work out well for leads? Do I want the pickup switch in the bridge? As far as I'm concerned, the Doomsday Machine lead tone is ideal. I know that Michael Amott uses his wah technique to further sweeten all that he plays, but the overall tone is just so smooth and rich sounding. The lead tones I've recorded tend to be "good enough", but still a bit more brittle and less fulfilling that I would like.
Any help?
Also, the amps currently in my arsenal are a Krank Revolution, Peavey 5150 blockletter (which tends to be the lead amp of choice), and a Marshall JCM2000 (which I very rarely use).

Any help?
Also, the amps currently in my arsenal are a Krank Revolution, Peavey 5150 blockletter (which tends to be the lead amp of choice), and a Marshall JCM2000 (which I very rarely use).