Dickheads! (whinging thread)

JonBonJovi said:
tha was meant to be drive over the speed limit!

looking at the scenery can get dangerous indeed. I was in the car with someone doing that at like 80kmph on a country road....:ill:

Ever been in the car with someone who gets really animated when they are talking? I have, and they start waving their hands around n shit. Also, it's worse if they turn their head to talk to you... scary.
The thing I hate most easily is tailgating. I can't stand having a car up my ass whether its a freeway, highway or just a road... but especially on a freeway. Or when I'm going down my main road about to turn into my street and the dude behind me is tailgating and gives me a dirty look for slowing down to turn into my street. It's like some people think everyone should be going the same way they are.

I've only had one near accident, when I was waiting in an intersection to turn right on the corner of Orrong & Malvern Road in Toorak. The light went orange, nothing was coming so I made the turn, and some fuckwit comes flying over the hill speeding his ass off to make it through the intersection before the light went red (and ended up running the red anyway) not expecting to see somebody turning and almost fucking slammed right into the side of my car goin about 80km/h (in a 60 zone). I had to slam down the accelerator to avoid him running into my back door.

I also hate elderly pedestrians who think they have right of way over cars when there is no crossing. And they walk straight out in front of you.
The elderly are a huge problem on the roads. Say what you want, but there really should be mandatory retesting of all drivers over the age of 65..
I have been in the car with my mother in law driving 3 times...the 1st time I was to sick to even notice what she was doing and it was the 1st day I met her.The other 2 she scares the hell out of my more than anyone I know.Her driving is really bad!
working in the power industry, you end up having to drive with workmates.

I can't handle being in a car with electrical engineers. They tend to be "digital" in their use of controls.
Accelerator is either 0 or 1
Brake is either 0 or 1

Steering is -1, 0, or +1.

They appear to have no middle ground.
Scariest minute of my life was when Dad's sister in law died.

He drove from Canberra to Sydney on the Friday after work, picked me up at Uni, and then we drove to Melbourne for the funeral on Saturday.

It was pouring rain, which made concentration hard, and meant a couple hours at the wheel was as much as you could do.

I was asleep in the passenger seat, and started getting awoken by a "not quite right" feeling. As I became more concious, I could hear gravel spraying up under the car. Then I jolted awake, to see that me, and my half of the car were on the verge, whizzing past all the nice white posts.

So I reached over, slowly moved the wheel back onto the road, and woke Dad up from his peaceful slumber.

Then refused to let hime drive for any of the rest of the trip.
shite, scary....

:lol: re: engineers

apparently pedestrians DO have right of way (at least under the law)when crossing the road in a remarkable number of occassions. So i'm told by a driving instructer. Good thing no pedestrians know/try this, coz even though they have right of way it's so dangerous.

As for old drivers, I agree they can be bad, but i reckon young drivers are worse. Old drivers DO go slow and annoy the shit out of ya (and can cause accidents), but some young drivers are so irresponsible.
I'm mostly referring to those who smash their car into polls while doing 170 with 4 mates in the back seat. :(
MeKaChrOme said:
shite, scary....

:lol: re: engineers

apparently pedestrians DO have right of way (at least under the law)when crossing the road in a remarkable number of occassions. So i'm told by a driving instructer. Good thing no pedestrians know/try this, coz even though they have right of way it's so dangerous.

As for old drivers, I agree they can be bad, but i reckon young drivers are worse. Old drivers DO go slow and annoy the shit out of ya (and can cause accidents), but some young drivers are so irresponsible.
Hey, it's only ELECTRICAL engineers. Mechanical engineers drive like formula 1 aces.

As to pedestrians having right of way, it's a law that states that a car driver must be able to stop under any circumstance.

So if a kid runs between two parked cars and you hit them, you will go, as you were not driving at a speed safe for the conditions, i.e. you should have been travelling at a speed commensurate with the risk of a kid running out between parked cars.

It's a holdover from having to have a footman with a flag walking 5 paces in front of your car.

Italy made a rather startling change a while ago, specifying that roads were for cars. You get hit J-Walking, and the car owner sues you or your estate for the damage to the vehicle. Car owner hits you at a pedestrian crossing, and he goes for a row of brick shithouses. Both sides then realised their responsibilites, and pedestrians weren't run down any where near as often.
Koichi said:
Old people are so metal, they don't give a fuck about anything, and take lots of drugs.

Mekachrome is right. People who turn their heads to talk to their passenger while driving are utter, utter fuckwits. Taking your eyes off the road is probably the absolute worst thing you can do behind the wheel. It's madness.
Ill tell you what is dangerous, rich middle aged woman in expensive cars
they seem to think because they have a merc it will drive itself and because they are so rich and important they just don't give a fuck about anyone around them.

Also number 1 thing i hate on the roads, merging
if you need to merge into a freeway onto any road, speed up to the speed of the traffic or faster, don't drive slowly to the end of the merging lane then stop!!!!
What I hate, is 4 wheel drives in cities. Add on top of that what Gavin just mentioned, and you have middle aged women in expensive 4x4s, in the city, is just fucked up and annoying.

Some young irresponsible drivers are what ruin it for the rest of our age group. Half of us young people are better than the average driver, having most recently learnt all the road rules and had lessons etc.