Did anyone find otu what happened to Alexi's old jacksons?


New Metal Member
Jun 15, 2013
i understand they were stolen before he went to ESP... did those guitars ever turn up? no serial numbers were kept?

i'd sure like to see one. and of course see that it finds its way back in his hands, if it hasn't already

after all, i love my vintage jacksons dearly

All I know is that the Green pinstriped one (which is seen in Tuska 2003 video) was sold to Daniel Freyberg of Naildown / Norther.

^this one? Did Alexi give it to him? dude that thing is fuckin sick as hell
I'm surprised the guy didn't return the guitar to Alexi or I wonder if he offered Alexi the chance to buy it back
indeed Alexi Sold his Green jackson too Daniel, ive been in contact with daniel too for some kind of deal but he didnt wanted to sell the guitar, Alexi personally sold it to daniel (confirmd)
Daniel dropped in fresh Gold hardware and an Duncan pickup, jackson was sold with J50BC but without the JE-1000 gainbooster

and about the stone/wildchild jackson, rumours are that alexi threw them in the sea himself when he was stupidly drunk, as Roope said that Alexi was pretty Reckless when he was young,
but in some kind of interview where fan questions been awnserd alexi got the question if he misses those old jacksons wich he do, so i guess they where stolen after all.
rumours are that alexi threw them in the sea himself when he was stupidly drunk

I think the rumour/joke was Kimberly threw them to the sea because Alexi spent all their relationship time playing guitar... Would be cool if some diver found them some day. Maybe in the future, when Alexi is the Mozart, it will make big headlines when our grand grand children become musicians and divers, when they find the instruments that were used in making some then-legendary songs and provided Alexi didn't kill himself.
indeed Alexi Sold his Green jackson too Daniel, ive been in contact with daniel too for some kind of deal but he didnt wanted to sell the guitar, Alexi personally sold it to daniel (confirmd)
Daniel dropped in fresh Gold hardware and an Duncan pickup, jackson was sold with J50BC but without the JE-1000 gainbooster

and about the stone/wildchild jackson, rumours are that alexi threw them in the sea himself when he was stupidly drunk, as Roope said that Alexi was pretty Reckless when he was young,
but in some kind of interview where fan questions been awnserd alexi got the question if he misses those old jacksons wich he do, so i guess they where stolen after all.

My theory is that "Wildchild" was restored to it's original colour and sold to colector. I remember from JCFonline or Scythes of Bodom that "Wildchild" RR left factory with different paintjob - later it was repainted.
Idk, but whoever's stolen them, he probably knew their value, so i don't think they repaint them. Why? They worth more to a private collector if don't change them and COB's became popular at that time so the user wasn't an unknown guitarist.
By the way, I have my own con-theo too, Doesn't it suspicious, that ESP almost immediately came with a great deal to Alexi? I think one possible way is, ESP made them stolen, to use Alexi's popularity to grow their business, a raising great guitarist, band leader's worth a try imo. So those two is laying in their cases, in a dark, lonely part of an ESP warehouse... :p
Idk, but whoever's stolen them, he probably knew their value, so i don't think they repaint them. Why? They worth more to a private collector if don't change them and COB's became popular at that time so the user wasn't an unknown guitarist.
By the way, I have my own con-theo too, Doesn't it suspicious, that ESP almost immediately came with a great deal to Alexi? I think one possible way is, ESP made them stolen, to use Alexi's popularity to grow their business, a raising great guitarist, band leader's worth a try imo. So those two is laying in their cases, in a dark, lonely part of an ESP warehouse... :p

It wasn't immediately. Alexi first went to Jacson and asked how long will it take for new ones to be made. IIR it was around a year, which was too long, so Alexi asked ESP about it and they were faster.
indeed Alexi Sold his Green jackson too Daniel, ive been in contact with daniel too for some kind of deal but he didnt wanted to sell the guitar, Alexi personally sold it to daniel (confirmd)
Daniel dropped in fresh Gold hardware and an Duncan pickup, jackson was sold with J50BC but without the JE-1000 gainbooster

and about the stone/wildchild jackson, rumours are that alexi threw them in the sea himself when he was stupidly drunk, as Roope said that Alexi was pretty Reckless when he was young,
but in some kind of interview where fan questions been awnserd alexi got the question if he misses those old jacksons wich he do, so i guess they where stolen after all.

I believe the JE-1000 residents in Alexi's custom shop ESP Arrowhead, or at least i'm 100% positive that it was in that one at the making of Thrashed, lost & strungout EP. It sounds just like the combo.

If Kim in fact threw the other guitars in the lake I would believe we would have heard it by now for a fact, not just drunken rambling and rumors.
I think they were stolen.

And my theory is that the Wildchild one was originally white (also as some serial number experts said over at the Finnish Jackson forum.) Might have been restored to that. And of course it has to be at some collectors place.... Not used for public. There aren't many 87-89 24 frets RRs out there, maybe around 50.. And half of those are already counted for over at the Jackson Forums, heck even Roope owns 3 from around that period.

Best thing about Jacksons from that period is the back tilted neck which gives better access to higher frets. Roopes ESP's are made the same way so if anyone here played a real ESP Roope knows what I'm talking about. I myself own a 22 fretted RR 89 CS, nothing special looking except the beneficial specs, but it does got some great mojo about it.

Daniel used to play with Norther for a short while, mainly just the last tour. And of course he knows Alexi and probably bought it fair and square.
It's a shame he doesn't use it more often. He mainly plays his two signature Amfisounds....
I read on wikipedia that Alexi order the Wilchild from JCS, so then they just repainted it for Alexi and he originally bought it as plain white, like Roope's guitar?
The idea of his Wildchild one getting thrown into lake by Kimberly Goss somehow makes sense. From my perspective I can clearly say Kimberly was obsessed with Alexi and she wanted him everytime beside her. By the way does anybody know what happened to Kimberly?