Did anyone listened to the "Evening Star" Demo?


I have lost my Innoncence
Nov 8, 2002
Costa Rica
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I play the bass on "Evening Star" and I was wondering if any of you guys heard it, if you did it would be cool if you could give me some thoughts about it, because it's our first Demo and we record it in my house, so if you don't like something please tell me and it that way I could make a better work for our independent CD that we are trying to make.It would be great if you guys could help us.

Thank you guys
was this a separate demo CD or a track on one of the demos handed out at PP4, or what? I have the official PP4 sampler plus 3 other samplers, and don't see anything called "Evening Star" on any of them.
jkohn said:
was this a separate demo CD or a track on one of the demos handed out at PP4, or what? I have the official PP4 sampler plus 3 other samplers, and don't see anything called "Evening Star" on any of them.

It was a separeta Cd Demo that we gave to some people
Hey Olaso,

I just recieved the demo today from Francisco and wow. I thought the Magistral demo was great but the vocals needed some work, but this, I cant find any faults really at all. You guys have a great sense of melody and power without being overtly happy and the keyboards and atmosphere remind me of Evergrey. Like I said in the email to Francisco, this is some really great stuff. Congratulations, man!

Daybreaker said:
Hey Olaso,

I just recieved the demo today from Francisco and wow. I thought the Magistral demo was great but the vocals needed some work, but this, I cant find any faults really at all. You guys have a great sense of melody and power without being overtly happy and the keyboards and atmosphere remind me of Evergrey. Like I said in the email to Francisco, this is some really great stuff. Congratulations, man!

Thank you Ben, it has been a great experience the making of this demo and nothing makes me more happy than to see that people like you (people that knows about music) like it. We busted our asses recording it and it's really great to see that we are on the right track. Though we have a lot of work to do, we think that maybe we will have a 8 or 9 tracks demo at the beginigs of the next year (including the four tracks that you listened), so when we finish recording it I'll send you a copy, you can be sure of it.

Thanks man!!
Look for my review of this demo on www.metalreviews.com this monday. It's gonna get the Surprise of the Month for sure. I've been burnt out on "standard" Power Metal lately and the Evening Star demo has been in my stereo and truck constantly. I'll email the other Francisco too but do you guys have a website up yet?

Daybreaker said:
Look for my review of this demo on www.metalreviews.com this monday. It's gonna get the Surprise of the Month for sure. I've been burnt out on "standard" Power Metal lately and the Evening Star demo has been in my stereo and truck constantly. I'll email the other Francisco too but do you guys have a website up yet?

Actually we don't have a website yet, but we are working on it, I hope that in a month or so we could have one. We still have to do a lot of stuff, once again thank you for the support and I'll check the review out on Monday.
Yeah I read it yesterday, thanks man I Loved it. Thank you for your help!!!.

Ben I was wondering if there is anyway that we could put the mp3 of our songs on metalreviews.com?, there's some people that wants to hear the demo but our website is not going to be ready yet, so i was wondering if we could put the songs there for the people to listen.
Sure man! I'll email the guys and get this set up. What song would you like to have on there? I would go with Labyrinth of Fears cos thats my favorite but whatever else is good for you that would work man.

I was thinking the same, I think that "Labyrinth of Fears" would be a good choice. If you can do this we will be very thankful man, Thank you!!.
Alright man, Im working on getting it up and everything, since I have a 56k dial up and have to work on the backstage stuff it might take a couple of days but I'll let you know when its up there. We'll also run a news thing too to let people know its up.

After reading the MetalReviews review, I became quite interested but was bummed that it was just a demo and not readily available. Thanks to Ben and Olaso for arranging to put the mp3 online so I can take a listen when it is ready. Good luck!
Do you mean the link? I checked it and it started downloading normally, or do you mean the song itself? I have a 56k so Ill start on it and see if it works fine but if the link was showing up as messed up somehow its working now, sorry about that.
