Did anyone else get sick?

YIPES!! :zombie:
I think next year, I will get a large supply of hand sanitizer for the venue!!
Add me to the sick list! I have had a bad cold since Tuesday.... :yuk:

Hot water and soap, at least 2-3x a night. (You gotta pee, right? Good time to do it!)
I got it too, so did my wife, and so did Pamela, she just left yesterday finally, had to reschedule her flight back to Seattle.....

Hot water and soap, at least 2-3x a night. (You gotta pee, right? Good time to do it!)

I did that, though...ate very healthy...took my vitamins...and *still* got it. :mad: I also tried to get plenty of sleep, but I did get less than usual, which probably didn't help.

The only good news is that it seemed to be a much milder version than what I've come home with in past years.
I did that, though...ate very healthy...took my vitamins...and *still* got it. :mad: I also tried to get plenty of sleep, but I did get less than usual, which probably didn't help.

The only good news is that it seemed to be a much milder version than what I've come home with in past years.

Yeah, last year's Plague knocked me on my ass for 48 hours straight. All I could do was sleep, and occasionally get up to eat something.



(by the way, I'm waiting till someone thinks I'm actually making fun of the people who get sick... lol)
I slept in today and it seemed to make all my symptoms worse :-\ It seems I feel better when I'm up and moving around, so I guess it's a good thing I'm going into almost 30 hours of work over the next three days. :loco:
So here's a thought....

Since I know we all spend a million dollars to get to ProgPower... and I know we don't want to cancel because we have the sniffles.

If you're sick or getting over a cold... inform people so they can know not to share drinks/food with you. ;) Yeah I know, simple concept and totally far fetched. :)


It'll help a little but the main problem is that we are basically sharing the same air for 12 hrs straight for two days in a row. It's hard to avoid it unless we're all going to start wearing masks and gloves. Around cold season I usually get sick if I go to a show even if it's only 3-4 hrs long.
despite all the precautions I took this year... I got the flu. Spent 2 hrs. at Dr's office for him to say, go home, sleep, drink lots of fluids, you need no antibiotics.

i think the flu season hit early this year as many people I know are sick but did not attend PP.

David says next year when I get home he's putting me in quarantine....yes, he has it now.
It'll help a little but the main problem is that we are basically sharing the same air for 12 hrs straight for two days in a row. It's hard to avoid it unless we're all going to start wearing masks and gloves. Around cold season I usually get sick if I go to a show even if it's only 3-4 hrs long.

how about just the sick person wear a mask and gloves? Then we can all point and yell SWINE FLU!

FWIW, I went to the doctor today and found out that I have a sinus infection. According to the doc, sinus infections are caused by bacteria that can be spread exactly like colds are spread. Therefore, it's possible that what everybody got was a sinus infection. If the congestion is still hanging out, maybe you should have your doc set you up with some antibiotics.