What are you guys using to get your bass grit these days?


Mar 29, 2012
Hudson, FL
I've been using this plugin called Juicy77 ever since I caught someone on here mention it was good for bass grit.

It's really neat but I want to see what everybody else likes because I'm tired of lack of variety for my dirty bass tones!
TSE B.O.D. sometimes with TSE X30 before it. Used this combination for the "bass dirt" track on this record (just the teaser is available for online streaming now):
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Darkglass Microtubes B7K. It's pretty damn awesome. The first time I fired it up, I wasn't sure if I loved the way the distortion was voiced, but it's PERFECT in a mix with heavy guitars. It glues the guitar and bass tones together with little effort.
I used TSE B.O.D. for a long time and then went to the amp rack in Cubase. Now I just go through Axe fx II.
the tears of the Bass players while tracking, mostly.

(and a bit of whatever amp works into whatever works. Sansamp BDDI, the PT sansamp plugin and Amplitube 3 are my favs)
Darkglass Microtubes B7K. It's pretty damn awesome. The first time I fired it up, I wasn't sure if I loved the way the distortion was voiced, but it's PERFECT in a mix with heavy guitars. It glues the guitar and bass tones together with little effort.

Damn, I was actually really intrigued by the tones Nolly gets on that bass so I may invest in one. Sounds awesome. :worship:

Lately, I've been experimenting with multiple distortion pedals/amp sims in the chain and have had some interesting results but I haven't quite found what I'm looking for yet
Usually a combination of RAT (real or emulation, both sound good), TSE BOD, and cab impulses. Seems to work pretty well for most genres.