What are you guys using on the two buss?

Mike 24

Jul 23, 2007
Just wanted to ask what plugins or hardware (strictly for the metal stuff) you guys would recommend to use on the two buss these days. Anyone use the L2 or other Waves plugs?
I really like the PSP Mastercomp in FAT mode on the master fader, better than anything else I've tried, including the Waves API or SSL emu's.

L2 is great if you don't like snares.
i used to use the L2...then dropped it like a bad habit. because it was.

now i usually go for the SSL bus comp, but i've also used the PSP vintagewarmer when i wanted to dirty shit up a little bit

for limiting, i've been more apt as of late to use the wavearts final plug
I've been using the GSatMax and GMonoBass from GVST (SUCH awesome freeware plugs) on my 2buss a lot lately. For limiting, I've been using GClip

Hmmm, I wish I could sponsor them or something
compressor, ratio 2:1, gr max. 2dB , slow attack, fast release

followed by a limiter, touching almost nothing, like i use my limiters in nearly every maingroup (except for vox and bass).
API compressor.
either attack: 30ms, release:50ms or attack around .3 release 150-300ms (I know, totally different approach ;)).

either way 2:1 ratio, thrust set to loud (API specific) about 80% linked and 2-max4 db of reduction.

then a bit of VTAPE
I got kinda stuck in the Charles Dye method of throwing the McDSP AC1 on the 2 bus 1st and actually mixing through it. To be honest, I don't even entertain the idea of actually trying to master things yet, still too busy with trying to getting mixes to sound better and to get them sounding good faster. I'm happy to leave mastering to people with much better gear and the experience I lack. The AC1 does really make a difference for mixes though, in my ears.
