What are you guys using on the two buss?

i just experimented with it ones and liked it so much it never made it out of my chain :). Imo, it makes the mix sound more as if all the instruments were in the same room :p


In most cases a little bitty bit of Reverb on the master-bus sounds more natural to me. But I use the Reverb that comes with Ozone.

Izotope ozone 3
PSP vintage warmer
wavarts final plug

Do you use them all together in a row? And what do you use of Ozone?
At the moment I dig the combination of Ozone and Vintage Warmer, too.

I just smash Vintage Warmers "Mastering First Aid"-Preset over everything and whooo, what a feeling :D
It's usually just the Waves API 2500 or SSL Comp. These days I'm steering away from master bus EQ or tape emulation plugs and preferring as simple a chain as possible (not just for the 2bus) and really focusing on the insert comps and EQ on the individual tracks. The 2bus comp is usually only around 2:1 ratio, slow attack, long release and less than 2db of gain reduction, but as always, it's dependent on the source material. I'm partial to no bus compression on the non-rock/metal jobs I get.

I also throw the UAD Precision Limiter on there on test mixes just to get them up a few DB when I'm reference checking on various systems.
Awesome thread, I actually popped on here to ask the same very question, So what exactly does an L2 do, is it compression ? Any recommended freeware ?
So what exactly does an L2 do

waves L1/L2/L3 are brickwall limiters that are notorious for bludgeoning mixes to death

rather than rounding off a peak that goes above the threshold, like a compressor will, it'll pretty much chop it off...think of them like an audio guillotine
waves L1/L2/L3 are brickwall limiters that are notorious for bludgeoning mixes to death

rather than rounding off a peak that goes above the threshold, like a compressor will, it'll pretty much chop it off...think of them like an audio guillotine

Don't think of all limiters like that, Elephant and Oxford do a way better job....