What are you guys using for bass amp modelling? (getting bored of SVX)

Well I've actually got some pretty decent results out of LE456

You know what else works well? TSE X30. You can get some pretty cool grit/clang out of that one if you keep the gain low.

What I also really like is Audio Damage Kombinat. If you use only the 'saturation' mode and just ramp it up a bit, you'll effectively have a control of how much pick attack/fret slap you want to hear in the tone.
am i the ONLY guy on this forum that uses acmebargig BIG? just turn the master volume knob all the way down, bypass the built-in compressor, and tweak to taste from there. i haven't gotten anything else to sound as satisfactory, and i'm a bass player so i've been obsessing. my work with constructs, caulfield and hayworth have all had HUGE bass presence and it's ABG BIG and it's free.
I use this:


My only complaint is the compressor is garbage. But I sort of expected that, plus it's bypassable.

People will laugh, but I actually like this thing A LOT more than the sansamp. I meant to do a shootout a while ago, but never got around to it. I have even had instances where the sonic maximiser they stuck on this unit (also bypassable) has been usable.
Usually PODfarm for me, if not the rare occasion I can get anything I like from SVX.
I'm sure everyone is aware of this, but for grit and distorted bass, I'd say at least 80% lies in the raw track you're working with. Sure you can eq the low-end all you want, but you can't eq in a characteristic of the tone that simply is now there and nor can you distort what's not there.
I use this:


My only complaint is the compressor is garbage. But I sort of expected that, plus it's bypassable.

People will laugh, but I actually like this thing A LOT more than the sansamp. I meant to do a shootout a while ago, but never got around to it. I have even had instances where the sonic maximiser they stuck on this unit (also bypassable) has been usable.

dude! can i hear some clips?
on my current project i'm compressing the fuck outta the bass, then using soloC with a recabinet 8x10 D6 impulse after it. the tones for most of it is with the crunch channel, with some parts automated to the clean and drive channels.

after that it's HP@30hz, LP@10k, and shit sounds massive. also helps that it's a pretty nice bass with new strings and tracked thru a tube DI/preamp, but either way it's kicking my ass!

i'm with ermz on this one though - bass is something where i never end up using the same chain twice. this is the 1st time i've tried soloC out on it...other times i've used PSP vintagewarmer, izotope trash, ampeg SVX, various VST amps, distortion pedals, tube amps, impulses, etc.
track1. eq svx, compressor eq
track 2 eq comp, eq , juciy 77, eq limiter
bass bus
eq compressor limiter

what are these dynamics? you people speak of?
Hmm, I've done some weird stuff in my time, being a bass player and all that. I have a nasty ass Boss Bass Overdrive pedal that I chucked in before the DI, which went into Podfarm. Another good idea can be Dual Rigging in Podfarm and using the Eden sim, with the mesa sim. You tend to lose a little low end with that though. Try chucking a Mesa 4x12 impulse on it as well, if you want it to get super gritty.
Do you prefer the VBA to the SVX? If so, I'm switching over ASAP..

YES YES YES. The VBA is fast and easier to tweak and beyond that, it just SOUNDS better. I can't remember the last time I actually used SVX on a project.

Oddly enough, for some reason I ALWAYS ALWAYS open Ampeg SVX first, start tweaking, get pissed, then open VBA, scroll through some of the presets (there are only like, less than 10) but each one is so different and then tweak from there, throw on an SSL Channel, duplicate and start working on my grit!

I'd recommend VBA 100% over SVX. =D

